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Find “US” where intersectionality + a good time meets.
lifestyle + trending topics + music + more

Not only do I have a lot of sh*t to say but I'm also at the intersection for a lot of different things, perspectives and ideas. 'The Intersection' podcast will touch base on popular trending topics, lifestyle conversations, music, advice and so much more. Meet me at the intersection and we can chop it up.

This platform was curated to tackle all angles of our favorite and not-so-favorite conversations. With a Gen-Z/Millennial target audience, we want to expand the palettes of our listeners through the sharing of unique stories, trending news/topics, music and community banter. So whether it’s your favorite local artist checking in or just a social media mutual, we want you with us, here, at The Intersection.

/Imani “Ortizus” Ortiz

keep up with us @theintersectionpod

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