Pride Month feature w/ Milwaukee Film | Moonlight

We had the chance to catch ‘Milwaukee Film’s Pride Month’ featured showing of “Moonlight” this weekend. While it’s hard for any corner of the world to be unfamiliar with the Academy Award winning film, Moonlight is the coming of age story of a young boy who struggles with balancing masculinity and sexuality. While juggling many different obstacles along the way, including being brutally bullied, raising himself and witnessing his mom abuse drugs, he eventually set his footing in the only thing he was familiar with–the streets. 

I feel like this is a universal story–even if [you] don’t think so. As a woman, I can’t speak to that experience of growing up as a male and balancing masculinity along with curiosity but these children and situations do exist. Their experience deserves validation whether it’s talked about or not. It happens every single day. 

These kinds of films are extremely important for society because it is something that is deemed taboo by the majority. People tend to think that sexuality is only expressed through personality and performance. If you were to watch this film in particular, you’d see it through the lens of what it is—normality. While it may not be your ‘normal’, you’re not the only person who exists. I think it’s also worthy to note that we don’t see a flamboyant character in this film at any point. That’s a heavy point in itself. Prejudice can’t protect you from the truth—sexuality is a fluid spectrum. Who are you to deem it any different?

While CopyWrite is a proud community partner of Milwaukee Film, what makes our job even easier is digesting top tier content. We hope to see you next year as it is not something you’d ever want to miss. 

/Imani for CW

Happy Pride Month! | Celebrate with us by enjoying a few of these community partner film screenings at Milwaukee Film

Take PRIDE in who YOU are!

/CW is celebrating Pride Month as a community partner for Milwaukee Film’s Pride Month programming. Check out these films that are sure to inspire!

Also be on the lookout for our instagram raffle where we will be giving away 2 tickets to each screening!



Sat, Jun 18 2022 7:00pm

But I’m A Cheerleader

Sun, Jun 05 2022 7:00pm