HymnWho -Retroactive Phenomenon [ALBUM]

HymnWho “Retroactive Phenomenon” ALBUM  

Like the beautiful dynamic of the iconic blend of Hip-Hop and R&B on a track, the marriage of the poetic, conviction filled, or otherwise, nonchalant vocal tones of a rapper and the hard hitting orchestrated chaos of rock instrumentation is a delicacy. HymnWho has dropped a sonically pleasing gem with the presentation of “Retroactive Phenomenon.” The allure of this album from songs like Revival,” “Niggas and Nikolai,” and “Saviour,” was in the production; very 80’s with the slowness and off-kilter pounding of the beat, having a faster paced rhythym happen in some moments, still with a high capacity of instrumentation, HymnWho’s vocals were hauntingly gliding over the music with a melodic, Darkwave tone and the modern, melancholic  lyrical content that is found in today’s rap. InShoebox,” he gave us more of a trap flow but the production was still very consistent with the Darkwave sound. However, we do get some rap nostalgia as well.Wishes” not only gives us more room to focus on the bars and their transparency, but the boom-bap is more so evident in this production. Tell me how YOU feel about “Retroactive Phenomenon,” Milwaukee.

/Naomi-Re’a for CW