Carrie’s Curl Conversation: Natural Hair in Milwaukee

Have you read Issue 13 Rebellion?

Feature article Carrie’s Curl Conversation came from a sit down with women talking about natural hair.

Check it out and let us know what you think.

Hair is the subject of an ongoing conversation in the black community. Whether you wear it straight, in a low cut, throw a wig on it or put a relaxer in it, hair is something black women love and can talk about all day long. But something that gets less attention is the hair that black women are born with—their natural hair. Natural hair has been a hush-hush topic since, well, forever. But now, more women are going natural and more women are talking about it.

Black Women and hairstylists discuss the controversial topic of natural hair. Although the natural hair movement is progressing, in Milwaukee and other non-metropolitan cities, the knowledge of natural hair is still scarce. Carrie Mahone, a University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee journalist, has the much-needed curl conversation to find out why.

/Carrie (the Intern)

Issue 13: Rebellion Out Now!

If we are defiant, it is only out of suppression. Tiptoeing through society has left us off balance, anxious, and unable to continue to survive playing it safe. This issue of CopyWrite is a Rebellion in its process. Our features are unorthodox characters with rule breaking methods. Interviews with Dream Lab owner Shawn Dekay, Leevel Ford, Mudy, Kane Rulan, Ex Fabula Feature Camille Davis & more.

-Click Here to witness the Rebellion-