The Love Project III: Closure - Ortizus

Here at CopyWrite, we are always working behind the scenes. This week we decided to highlight one of our very own, Imani! While mainly known by her social media tag @ortizus, she is what can again be described as the jack of all trades. This week Imani released her final piece of her trilogy mini-documentary, The Love Project. In her final piece, she focuses on what closure means to Gen Z (people born between now and 1994) but the conversation is open to everyone.

“In the final part of my love trilogy, we tackle the concept of "closure." What is closure? What does it mean? How we look at things like this is important because what we may feel is a common conception is not defined by one singular definition. Are we bad people for understanding healing differently? Or do we all heal the same?

Sidenote: What makes these responses so unique is that no one was briefed what the project was about nor the questions prior to the interview. These are all honest and unbiased answers--off the dome. Thinking on your feet is a talent and I only let the participants have less than 20ish seconds before I asked them to start speaking. I wanted real authentic answers and here we have it.

Thank you all for your support and please watch this with open hearts and open minds.

You are always welcome to leave comments or thoughts below. Disagree? Have a different viewpoint? Feel moved? Let us know below or join the conversation on Twitter using the hashtag #Theloveproject!”

There are three parts to this series: Love, Complications and Closure. All video can be found on her youtube: ortizus

So join the conversation and let’s discuss your thoughts on this project!