Snapshot Press Release | Black Nativity [More Than The Birth of A Savior; Also A Cultural Love Letter]

The word of the day /CW Fam: Favorites. Everybody has favorites in different aspects and categories of life. From food, tunes, hangout spots after work, and TV characters; the list goes on. The holiday season is not off-limits when it comes to this inevitability. Everybody has their holiday staples that they look forward to. For many people, this can be watching holiday films such as Home Alone, The Grinch, and This Christmas while for others it's eating all the baked goods grandma prepares during the festivities. The city has declared a holiday favorite of its own. Black Nativity, a theatrical performance put on display every year to add some holiday cheer to the theatre industry. 

What does a black utopia look like to you? Is it the spitting image of Black Wall Street filled with hundreds of black businesses? Maybe it’s the painting hung up in your mama’s living room with black people singing and dancing with smiles spread across their faces as bright as the sun. I believe the answer to this question is the musical buffet of the 2024 Black Nativity performance. The show consisted not only of the bones and accuracy of the original Nativity story but also a colorful dialogue between a higher power (God) and the black and brown people who make up millions of communities throughout the nation.

December 5th-8th, 2024 was this year’s display of Black Nativity, originally written by the leader of the Harlem Renaissance, Langston Hughes. The phenomenal performance took place in Wilson Theatre at Vogel Hall in the Marcus Performing Arts Center located in Milwaukee, WI. There are centuries worth of history where the birth of Jesus Christ, also known as the Nativity story has been illustrated and depicted the same way every time. The ethnicity of the characters, wardrobe, and setlist remained the same; no room for versatility or imagination. Hughes became weary of the African-American community just talking about how this made them feel excluded and forgotten about. He then took the initiative in changing how and what the Nativity story

looked like. It’s no secret that back in the day Hughes was the face of “Don’t just talk about it; be about it”. His mentality has inspired and driven many adaptations created by black artists to keep this same mindset and hunger; specifically directors of this year’s Black Nativity, Ashley S. Jordan and Wanyah L.Franzier.

The birth of a perfect human being taking on the most cruel consequence for all who commit actions against spiritual law based on unconditional love and authentic faith is the nativity story universally known and cherished. Over the last nine years, Black Nativity showcased in the city has proven that there is more than one narrative and purpose that can be heard and emotionally tangible to an audience that looks, talks, and walks like the cast members of the annual production. Round of applause to Jordan and Franzier because this year’s show was a cultural feast of R&B, Gospel, and African roots that created a love story between a higher power and the African-American community. It’s so easy to lose sight of the heart and soul of a message when the element of providing an entertaining show with lighting, fits that people would love to see at a fashion show, and soulful choreography is involved. Still, year after year the show is executed on the right queue!

A sea of sapphire blue and lavender purple lights swarm throughout the stage as the opening scene begins. The audience could hear what seemed to sound like crystals falling to the floor and drums being played as loud as Nick Cannon and Leonard Roberts’ one on one competition in the 2002 film, Drumline. I’m telling you at least twenty people jumped out of their seats within 5 seconds of the beat dropping {Y’all got me. My best friend and I were included!}The essence of a soft, affectionate, and struggling young black couple fills our eyes; until a soft-spoken man with a glistening gold shadow (representing the Angel Gabriel) approaches them.

“You don’t believe you’re worthy? Why can’t good things happen to you?” These are the questions I wanted to ask Young Mary after hearing the disbelief and fear in her voice once the shimmered chocolate angel narrated the events that would go on during the production. Although it was a breakdown of the original Nativity story from the couple’s journey to Bethlehem and the Magi coming to share who Jesus is with Mary; each scene captivated us all by creating a different significance.





Echoes of the four words above slipped out of not only Mary and Joseph’s mouths but many of the other artists’ mouths in the first half of the production as well. It didn’t take long for the audience to realize what message Jordan and Franzier were conveying. Confidence is second nature to people who share the same shade Young Mary possesses. Unfortunately, after decades of other groups of people telling African Americans that their voices and stories should be silenced, forgotten, and deemed non-important; they begin to fall into the weak narrative. The African-American race did indeed exist over 2,000 years ago when Jesus Christ was born and they had a perspective to Nativity as well. This fact is often unrecognized because filmmakers and playwrights who have brought this story to life represent their work with mirrors of themselves and their physical appearance. Black people should be seen, heard, and loved because they are capable, human, and filled with faith! Twenty-four artists; some veterans while others are emerging right here from Milwaukee, came together and took on the challenge of using song, dance, poetry, and acting to share this story from none other than an all-black perspective.

Mission accomplished!

“Creatively Black Nativity will take audiences on a heartwarming journey of familial love, faith, and the creation of new family traditions and norms. Audiences will be inspired by relatable, but current family stories, a home reminiscent of Christmas, and entranced by a dreamlike vision of Bethlehem.” Artistic director, Wanyah Franzier, stated while describing the setting of this year’s

production of Black Nativity. During past years the setting of Black Nativity has been modern-day inner cities and neighborhoods that are associated with struggle and neglect such as one of the city’s most known neighborhoods: Sherman Park. I believe the setting this year was not as specific as previous productions because Jordan and Franzier’s purpose was to make it as easy as possible for each person in the audience to see themselves in one or more of the artists on stage. Creating a specific setting such as a city or neighborhood would have put constraints and other limitations onto the audience and the message would not have been as transparent. The stage was meant to transform into any area of living where black people are existing, thriving, struggling, and finding their way to become faithful and proud of the spirit they each embody! Can you think of a place that symbolizes home during tribulations and celebrations? Or a place of peace and unity amongst one another?

Church. This is the #1 Family Feud answer. If only Steve Harvey could pop out and give you a brand new car.

Both the physical and emotional community of the Black Church was the focal point throughout the entirety of the play. Many people associate the Black Church with gospel music, interactive sermons, and freedom of expression during service. Not only is it the birthplace of where many faithful lives are born but it’s also a place that provides a sense of comfort and gratitude through

the unity of African-American people before Jesus could walk. Yellow and brown hues with African prints reflected onto the Vogel Hall’s stage representing the church. The performers uplifted and motivated Young Mary how perfect and courageous her son would be one day. On the other hand, these are where everyday people began sharing their grievances of how difficult it is to struggle daily feeling as if they have absolutely nobody to turn to but a higher power

{God}. This list went on and on from losing loved ones too frequently, financial struggles, and inferiority, to being on the verge of losing faith altogether. Jordan immediately thought of the Black Church when brainstorming the lens and setting of the 2024 Black Nativity showcase because she felt it was the most relatable setting to any and everyone in the black community. Everybody has been to church at least once or knows someone who practically goes to church so often it’s their second home. This became the element during the play where Mary and Joseph were often comforted and where smooth R&B musical performances were shared to symbolize safety and belonging.

Lack of representation has always been in the shadows of whispers when it comes to all aspects of the entertainment industry from music to film and television. It wasn’t until the weekend of December 5-8th that I witnessed the true importance of the significance representation holds. Shades of black and brown faces scattered around in the audience with tears, laughs, and a standing ovation had received the message this year’s creative team of Black Nativity wanted to cultivate throughout the city of Milwaukee. I realized that when I am entertained by people, sounds and movements that are involved in my everyday life; it hits home and lasts longer in my memory. Black Nativity taught me that the African-American perspective should be used and discussed more often than it has been the past few centuries. 

Need a way to entertain the kiddos next Christmas? Want your family or you to become involved in next year’s production? CW Fam you better check out Black Nativity next year during the first week of December 2025. Click here and check out their website 

I can assure you that you’ll recognize your favorite aunt, nephew, neighbor or even yourself while watching. It’s no feeling like having someone who shares your same roots and environment to pour out all of the emotions and thoughts they have about historical and current events happening right now in MKE. 

Desriana Gilbert | Entertainment & Social Journalist for /CW

THIS, THAT, and THE THIRD | 2024 End of Year Reflection By Lexi S. Brunson Editor-in-Chief of /CW

Grab the scissors [or a sledgehammer], there is some undoing that needs to be done. 

I love how obligated I feel to write these yearly reflections [even though, according to my records, 2023’s brooding does not exist, LOL]. Why spend so much energy sharing my untethered thoughts after having them bound into strategic literary bows for 364[ish] days straight? Huhhhhhhhhhhhh!?!?

It’s complexly simple. THIS is for the future.

Some people are living for today, and many are dreaming for tomorrow, but I just so happen to be cut from an obnoxiously irritating cloth that urges me to plant seeds for future growth [absolutely obnoxious]. It’s a tricky weaving of doing the work, while archiving the work, while creating an ecosystem of validating the work of others, so that there is a more equitable “echo” system of validation of the work, so that there is a historical narrative that documents the shift of that validation, that is archived in a society that values all active contributors, of diverse skillsets, to ensure the sustainability of our species.  

THAT, run-on sentence is exactly what I have been doing throughout this year [& the vast majority of my adult life]. It’s that un-categorizable NAICS code of a business yall may have heard us reference as CopyWrite or /CW. It’s the reason why I had to send out two cease and desist this year [Yall have been busy boi boi, I hate to have to do it]. It's the reason I had to troubleshoot 1/3rd of a slated budget & make those ends carry 4 loads [Go ahead & math the math. It's public. You know I have the “receipts”]. It's why I don’t take many meetings before 11:30 am, and also why deadlines & bylines are not synonymous with deserving credit. 

That’s why there is a need to do a little snipping here, a cut or 400 there, and maybe bust up some gargantuan underachieving, underproducing, underwhelming attempts at getting by, over yonder. There is always space for growth. But you have to continue to make room for that growth. The year 2024 has taught me that I have outgrown the orchard and these seeds are going to need a more sophisticated irrigation system. 

That means collaboration can no longer look like charity [take that in slowly]. Those who serve must also be of service to themselves. The cloth that I am cut from must now be tethered to cloths of endurance, cloths of joy, cloths of nurturing, cloths of stardom, cloths of influence, and cloths of dark reality [even though society hates to broadcast that bond]. We must reinforce these seams, making sure that we survive [like we survived 2024] but also create a garden that thrives. 

You should not have to lose your community to serve your community. You shouldn’t have to undercut our collective value in this “market”, and that should be overstood! You shouldn’t have to put your life on the line for your livelihood [& lawd knows I did it this year. That’s how I secured 1/3rd SMH].

So as 2025, rolls in, I’m going to be rolling up my sleeves and getting a little “Dirty” [See how I can never really shake that moniker fully *shrugs*].

The first seed has to go to the pulse, CopyWrite Magazine paved this mission for me. So the media company is going to get some overdue love [I know what value it holds].

/CW Creative Services will be featuring some quarterly opportunities that will allow me to share my skillset that brings me joy & value. [Specials on creative Resume & CV creation, show-stopping bios, and other forms of written posturing that will help all of our community members level up]. 

& THE THIRD thing that needs uprooting is the weed that /CW Creative Studios + Shop has become. “This is where we show that space is only defined by its cultural functionality [place] and programmatically assert that art is a reflection of our experiences [seen & unseen]” - from CULTURE: BETWEEN SPACE & PLACE. What I built with my hands is a testament to what I built with my soul…but it ain't gon be none of what we thought it would be. 

So inclosing all 2025 is going to be prep for 2026, 2027, 2028, and beyond.

Watch me work.

Love & All Things Urban,

Lexi S.  Brunson | “Whatever I need to be” & Editor-in-Chief of CopyWrite Magazine

So Why Aren’t All Aspects of Black Culture Adored? | By Desriana Gilbert

The Gallery of Black Essentials, All Photos Accredited to RobRanMKE featured in copywrite magazine issue 21

/CW fam picture this: It’s as quiet as a church mouse on a Sunday morning. You’re blasting Erykah Badu’s Mama’s Gun album in one airpod while your other ear is filled with the humming and churning from the washers and dryers in the laundromat. Then walks in an older woman who exudes energy and could pass as a body double for Cecily Tyson. She’s wearing a cherry red fur coat as long as your kid’s Christmas list. Golden hair pins decorate her sleek ponytail as she walks with sparkly black thigh-high boots. She’s asked by a bold young man, “Why are you so dolled up? Aren’t you about to do laundry?”. She calmly replied, “Honey don’t be mad at my swag” A question immediately popped into my head; Why does the black community seem unphased with our lifestyle, habits, and physical appearance; while everyone who has all eyes on us is continuously in awe and such admiration? 

The answer: black culture is not an accessory to us; it’s essentially embedded into our everyday lives both internally and externally without us even realizing it. In the words of Andre’ 3000,
“It’s in us not on us”.

There’s no secret that the world so easily assumes, judges, and misinterprets who and what exactly black culture is. However; the fashion that has been birthed such as hoop earrings, bold and bright colors, and intricately braided hair seems to have a separate identity from the beautiful black and brown people who are walking billboards of it. The style and appearance are so widely appreciated that many attempts to emulate and replicate how refreshing and beautiful black culture is. A door opens with an opportunity for African Americans to be seen in positive silhouettes as the complexities, different perspectives, and hidden gems they have both as a people and individuals are showcased to the world. But why aren’t several other aspects that create the ecosystem of culture and African-American people celebrated, let alone acknowledged?

Well, CW fam our creative director, Vato (Carlos) Vergara took it into his own hands with the help of many other talented creatives to strengthen awareness that there’s more than one aspect of black people that is beautiful and multifaceted while bringing the shoot to life. The Gallery of Black Essentials can be described as a digital museum of black people's love, authenticity, connection, and vulnerability. The shoot’s photographer, RobranMKE, stated, “It was a homage to the power, pride, and stories woven into our style.” The dynamic of black fatherhood, sisterhood, friendships, beauty, and romantic love was executed in such an ethereal and crystal-clear lens of exactly who we are.

One of the main themes of the eccentric and modern photoshoot was intentionality. From the photographer, creative directors, stylists and artwork being chosen as moving pieces to lead The Gallery of Black Essentials, everyone had one common goal: intentionality! Co-stylist, Sydney Beason confidently states, “The title of the shoot brought me back home. Visualizing the childhood memories of colors, textures, and even the fragrant whispers of the past. The pieces I chose to be brought to life gave a sense of nostalgia to the black community. Each creation is a testament to our history and a vision of our future, celebrating the diversity and dynamism that define us.” Her response brought an answer to my opening question. As a people we are not unphased or unknowledgeable about the swag, beauty and uniqueness black culture gifts to society; rather it’s an everyday lifestyle black and brown people live in realtime and is not a decoration. 

Although each image presented in the gallery is breathtaking and speaks for itself; aspects of the black community that keep the wheel running yet don’t get enough of the conversations nor the attention they deserve were given a spotlight. Intentional fatherhood, wrongful incarceration, freedom being restricted, and the long process of black beauty were each captured in such a vulnerable and confident way. Now let’s keep it a hundred, these are not glamorous and accomplished discussions that should be the face of black culture, but it’s reality and the things that instill perseverance, creativity, hard work, and unity into our community. Everyone who participated in bringing the team’s vision to life felt proud, overwhelmed with emotion, and excited to showcase that there are different types of black culture. We are all not the same and deserve an equal amount of attention. So what are the things that keep a sense of comfort, identity, and protection in a community that is so misunderstood, judged, and restricted? It’s simple: our essentials. Some of the creatives apart of the shoot such as the models shared a list of their essentials. Hence the following:

-White Air Force 1s (Dookies)

-Beauty Supply Store Trips


-Hustler’s Mindset


-Sunday Soul Food Dinner


Check out the vibrant and fun images that tell the story of who we truly are and where our future is going on Instagram: Comment down below what your internal or external essentials are. Also, don’t forget to rent our space for your next photoshoot. See what we can offer you at

Desriana Gilbert | Entertainment & Social Journalist for /CW    

The All Black Xperience 2024 Presented By: Johnny L. Jones, Myron “M-Town” Smith & Tim Ricketts

Can you think of a moment in time where you felt the words of James Brown, “Say It Loud-I’m Black & I’m Proud” was your city’s anthem? Let’s take it back to February 2018. The infamous Ryan Coogler film, Black Panther was released and had anybody from eight years old to eighty years old rushing to theatres in their best-dressed outfits; whether it was a dashiki or all-white fit from head to toe. The city of Milwaukee felt different for the Black Community. It was as if every one of all races had come to an epiphany-there is success and elegance when it comes to black people.  I often wonder if it was the story of the film; Prince T’Challa taking on the crown of his country following his father’s passing to save the innocence and future of his people or the costume design that had all of Milwaukee in a chokehold. Prince T’Challa’s wardrobe mainly consisted of the color black. Why? Black is the color of power, sophistication, wealth, and elegance. 

However, as soon as the film left theatres, everyone put the urgency and need for black pride and unity in a box to left as well. (Shout out Queen Bey). Well all that changed Friday, November 29th, 2024 as almost the entire MKE was in attendance for The All Black Xperience hosted at the Baird Center which was presented by Johnny L. Jones, Myron “M-Town Smith, and Tim Ricketts in downtown Milwaukee. These three men who could be described as Milwaukee’s own BellBivDevoe have taken on the responsibility and challenge of normalizing the celebration and elevation of Black Excellence. Each of these three men are known in the city for being an ambitious entrepreneur, developer, and the life of the party. They all have over a decade of experience dedicating their lives to making Milwaukee more familiar with wealth, power, and luxury in the black community.

The All Black Xperience illustrated a night whose theme was black luxury and elegance. Think of NewNew’s (played by Lauren London) parents in the coming of age film, ATL. Successful, prestigious, fly, smooth and creative black people filled up the guest list quicker than your family members rushing to the line to get their Thanksgiving plates. The purpose of this event was for a night of entertainment, networking, and celebration to be experienced by those in Milwaukee who are not only making moves for their own success but also hyper focused on what the future and sustenance of black excellence will look like after this year comes to a close. 

Not only did musical guests Rick Ross and Tweet keep everyone’s attention from the beginning to the very end of the night; but the red carpet was a head-turner as well.  Everyone followed the number one rule which was to wear ONLY BLACK! The dress code was made clear and nobody was disappointed. The men were dressed in their black suits and ties giving a real depiction of when Justin Timberlake & Jay-Z hopped on a track together; as the ladies shut down the carpet in their all black dresses. Let me just stop and answer the question I know you are all thinking;

“Des, what was on the menu?”. The food and drinks were centered around the culture of our city as a whole. A variety of sausages including bratwursts, frozen custard, cheese curds and alcoholic beer beverages made up the menu for this memorable night. Sounds like an MKE night at SummerFest. The All Black Xperience did more than check all the boxes when it came to the perfect date night such as music that makes you want to move, a reason to pull out that outfit in your closet, while also eating and drinking some things that make you feel good. This experience got the city to show up, show out, but most importantly present the opportunity to figure out what’s the next route when it comes to the celebration of black elegance & excellence being normalized in Milwaukee.

There were only a few calls made by the dynamic three (Jones, Smith, and Ricketts) as they selected who the hosts for the night would be. One of those calls went to author, motivational speaker, and life influencer, Steph Crosley. The hosts needed to embody what the event symbolized: a hustler’s mentality, active community member, classy, and who also knows how to turn up and feed that energy to the guests. Crosley shared how the highlight of her night was not just the feeling on stage with Jammin 98.3’s Earl Stokes and DJ Cheerio but also honoring and awarding movie director, producer and writer; Ramon Swift Sloan towards the end of the evening. I asked the life influencer what is the correlation between celebration, motivation and inspiration because those are the three things that surrounded her that night. Crosley stated, “I believe you’re inspired - there’s a spark and then there’s a force that propels you internally to ‘do something’ and then there’s an outward display of your accomplishment - the celebration - in that order.” The perfect equation that should be used more often than it is by people who look like us. Steph’s night mirrored hundreds of others that attended the event; a night of music, food, fashion, and networking specifically catered to high-class black people in the city; but that wasn’t all that she remembered from that night.

“One of the messages to take away from the All Black Xperience is that together we can - it takes all moving parts to make an event successful from the organizers - to the city trusting the vision and coming out to support - to the DJs and host doing our part and everything in between. Together we can and I believe it will continue to do well and grow.”-Steph Crosley

It’s up to us to keep events like this in an consistent rotation and celebrate one another. So what will motivate you to do your part? Is it musical guests being in attendance? An opportunity to dress up? Or is it having the chance to talk to some of the most influential and intelligent black people in the city?

On behalf of the /CW fam I would like to applaud Johnny L. Jones, Myron “M-Town” Smith, Tim Ricketts, Steph Crosley and all the other hosts who came together to make this night possible. As Crosley would say, there is power in numbers; might even have some of us starting to walk like Ghost off the Starz show Power. The celebration and elevation of black entrepreneurs, media, success, and unity needs to become normalized and consistent. So I challenge each of you. Comment down below what you think it’ll take for this to happen. Go follow the creators of this event. Their instagrams are @stillstephc, @jlj164, @therealmtown, @therickettsshow and catch the live recaps and photos from an unforgettable night.

Desriana Gilbert | Entertainment & Social Journalist for /CW

That’s A Wrap! | /CW will be Closed 12/24/24 - 1/6/25

That’s A Wrap! [So let's put a bow on it lol]

‘Tis the season to reflect on our growth this year, analyze the things we can do better, and take time to decompress [& declutter] our work & lives. To be mindful of our community's need to gather with loved ones and recharge for the new year, /CW Creative Studio + Shop | CopyWrite Magazine will be closed from December 24th, 2024 to January 6th, 2025. During this time no /CW Staff, Brand Placements, or Members will have access to the facility [& communication may be sparse until our return]. We value your collaboration and look forward to more opportunities to #SupportTheLocal in 2025.

Want to help us complete our wish list for 2024? [The Struggle is real]:

  • Visit the shop from 1pm-6pm this week and support our Brand Placements with a small gift purchase.

  • Snag issue 21 of CopyWrite Magazine, “Back To Black” | Now on sale for $10

  • Lock in a rental for 2025 | All bookings are 50% off until December 31st, 2024

  • Become a /CW Creative Studio Member | All memberships are 50% off until December 31st, 2024

  • Donate to our equipment + Operational budget | We are still in need of:

    • Screen Printer

    • Video production Camera

    • Branded vending tent + tablecloth

    • Artist Residency Easel/SupplyCart/Drying Rack

    • Intern Media Supply Kit

    • & more 

For more information on ways to #SupportTheLocal this season please contact us at | Attn: Lexi or visit us at

Love & All Things Urban,


From the desk of: 

Lexi S. Brunson | Editor-in-Chief /CW

Clyde's | SnapShot Press Release

“Do I look hungry?”

The question was rhetorical but I took the bait, blurting out from the darkness of the theater. .

“Yes! You do!”

Hunger exists where there is a void, or need for something more. It is the lack of satiation that we feel [& fill], that urges us to find a means of sustenance. Without it, we are empty, weak, and coercively vulnerable.

Excuse my pepper-jack cheese of linguistics, but Clyde is a hungry B*tch.

Sunday’s [November, 9th, 2024] Milwaukee Chamber Theater’s performance of Clyde’s, showcased the unhinged reality of the people who serve our society. This form of service comes with being a scapegoat for the power structures we call capitalism that demands the use of bread, lettuce, or cheese [those are all words for money, depending on who you are asking] as the means to survive. 

From behind the kitchen door of a truck stop sandwich shop, this staff of “rehabilitated” individuals, shows us through the erudition of Lynn Nottage, a Pulitzer Prize-winning playwriter, how hard it can be to do better when surrounded by misery, after being locked away from the world.

Clyde’s is a purgatory-like place, equipped with stainless steel food prep islands, a smokey flap-top grill, and a loud commercial-grade refrigerator [It was real! I could hear the motor kick on and off like we were really in the kitchen. Nice Touch!]. But here there will be no Michelin stars. Instead, it is where Montrellous (Bryant Bentley) carefully crafts aspirations of hopes, one slice of bread at a time. It is where Letitia (N’Jameh Camara) grapples with her value between every piece of cheese and where Jason (Nate Press), repents through sprigs of parsley. It is where Rafael (Justin Huen) grieves over the grease. It is where dreams go to be broken, and souls go when they are desperate to survive. 

This kitchen is a symbolic prison and Clyde [Lachrisa Grandberry] is the overseer, warden, and the Devil herself wrapped in spandex and pleather! Her abuse [mental, emotional, and the bruised back of Rafael proves it to be physical] is a reflection of her self-loathing. As an ex-con, she believes that hiring what she frames as a societal outcast gives her the prerogative to treat her employees like they are less than human [which sadly they are used to]. But it is the way Grandberry postures her raunchy, classless, erotica torture that makes her character so cringe-worthy. To make the crowd love you is beautiful, but to make them despise you is a wicked deed that pulls from the worst parts of humanity, forcing us to wipe crumbs of blissful delusion off our faces. Lachrisa girl, YOU DID THAT!

I found myself rooting for the world's underdog as they spilled their hearts out sharing the stories of how they became incarcerated. Montrellous story offsets the scales of justice, as Bentley’s delivery demands you listen with your chest, and question how much you are willing to sacrifice for the greater good of others. Letitia, tormented my maternal instinct [first when she chopped that lettuce into oblivion], N’Jameh playing up her ability to evoke empathy with her climatic cadence [Stop trying to make me cry now. You already had me with ILLIAD, LOL]. Rafael’s desperate need to prove his love to others is a fatal flaw, and Huen seems to be a master of humility and sensitivity. But Jason. . should we forgive him? The Black woman in me tingled with the, “now you know how it feels” mantra, that is only triggered when “justice” falls on the door of the socially privileged. But Press, made me believe that the internal torture he felt was real. 

Kudos to Director, Dimonte Henning, who did not skirt away from the “nasty” [metephorically and literally]. From the scandalous gestures of Clyde [I mean Rated R and Rated Hillarious] to the transitions of BTS kitchen life between scenes, it was a glimpse into the world we don’t often get to see. 

It also made me crave a sandwich, something serious!

Clyde’s is for those who dare to eat havarti on a butter brioche, with heirloom tomatoes, a slather of cajun-style hot sauce, and a cucumber chutney [See I can make an epic sandwich recipe too. LOL], and dare to call it a “sammich”. In other words, it is the hole in the wall of art we should steep ourselves in because you never know what might send you to Hell, purgatory, and back again. 

Let’s stop judging, and well. . .Do better.

Lexi S. Brunson  | Editor-in-Chief /CW