Cam Will - Vibes (video submission)

Well excussseeee the hell out of meeeeee! But Mr. Cam Will, who told you to kill this video like that, huh?

To apply pressure with slight work is quite a skill set and as we have been noticing, Cam Will has not let up. With a well crafted track, meaty bars, and quite the catchy flow, it turns the video into sport. Black on Black with masked faces linked up in the middle of a small stadium, challenges the “vibe” of who the hell Cam thinks he is. 

He answers the question with technique and a “vibe” that is quite nostalgic for people like me. These figures are not just “anybody” but everybody. A squad cauldron of faces known, but also mysterious, unrecognizable, and unfuckwitable. Movement like a chain that can not be broken, a pacing heartbeat on the race to something great.

Is this Milwaukee Music? In all the ways language can remove the stigma of that phrase. . . YES!

As Cam says “They should know the vibes” and I do. They are the same kind that sparked CopyWrite. A young hunger that is unsatisfied until it awakens something bigger.

It’s something there. . . but word to the wise. . . make sure when you wake up that beast you have something to feed it. 

[I’m putting this one in rotation]

Lexi for /CW

"Vibes" out now: Cam Will:Instagram: