S/O to "OUR" representation at Milwaukee City Hall (Colin Kaepernick to be featured in city’s 28 Days of Black History)


This morning Alderman Ashanti Hamilton, Alderwoman Milele A. Coggs, Alderman Russell W. Stamper, II, Alderwoman Chantia Lewis, Alderman Khalif J. Rainey, Alderman Cavalier Johnson and Alderwoman Nikiya Dodd of Milwaukee, released a statement standing behind Colin Kaepernick to be featured in city’s 28 Days of Black History!

The statement follows:

It is unfortunate that certain state legislators in Madison have worked in opposition to theirAfrican American colleagues to block Wisconsin native Colin Kaepernick from being included in a state Black History Month resolution. But here in Milwaukee we welcome the addition of Mr. Kaepernick to our city’s 28 Days of Black History project and look forward to his profile being featured on our city’s main page and on the City Channel. As we note in the project – an effort to celebrate Black History Month by featuring those who have left their mark on Milwaukee’s Black history – Black history is still being written and is ever developing.

We understand that Mr. Kaepernick is a controversial figure, but black history makers tend to be controversial by nature. Few, if any, were accepted by the broader society when they were doing their work, but in hindsight, our nation recognizes that their counter-cultural actions were crucial to the growth of our country. Mr. Kaepernick was born in Milwaukee and his willingness to stand up for what he believes and against the violent and oppressive (and sometimes deadly) treatment of Black and Brown citizens by law enforcement has brought attention to some of the most important issues of our time. Quite simply, by doing so he has made history.

Additionally, he has donated generously to help many worthwhile causes across the U.S., including two Milwaukee groups, the I Will Not Die Young Campaign and UrbanUnderground.

Unlike some in Madison we are truly honored to feature Colin Kaepernick as part of ourBlack History celebration.


Look lets make this clear we are SOCIAL, not POLITICAL. But if there is ever a time to remember the historical implications of our political representation not standing up with “our” people, it is now.

Collin is controversial in the same way MLK, Gandhi, Rosa, Baldwin and so many others have been. History is then. History is now. History is tomorrow.