Meet the NEW 2020 Fall Intern, Tanasia Shaw

Say what’s up to Tanasia!


Tanasia Shaw is a junior a UW-Milwaukee majoring in journalism and minoring in Africology and communication. Tanasia is best described as charismatic, humble, and creative. Her interests in culture, art, and social issues are the perfect combination for a compelling story. Her goal is to create content that accurately represents underrepresented people and cultures. Tanasia is ready to bring her charm to the /CW team.

CopyWrite Mag "Personal Project": Why support local media? w/ Editor-in-Chief Lexi S. Brunson

CopyWrite presents its FIRST ever sit down with the EDITOR-N-CHIEF and she’s...

in the hot seat and she’s...

not holding back!

Join us next Friday in an intriguing, intense, and incredible tell-all hosted by @carrienoni_ and @ortizus.

Here’s your opportunity to see @thrudirtyeyes 

We are 8 days away!

Videographer: @lxrdfredo

Get $5 off your Pre-order of CW issue 16: Where Do We Go From Here!


OFFER ENDS 10/4/20

CW Issue 16 (cover image).jpg

Issue 16 was made out of the struggle. Creating content in this multilayered social landscape has unearthed realities that the world as a whole was not prepared for. Thus, in these pages, you will find an attempt to give disenfranchised creatives room for representation. You will find political nuances that are characterized by personal interpretations of social responsibility, glamour triggered by our health crises, discussions of how tech is helping to save our current state of emergency, and content that was created through the cracks of social distancing. The question for us all is: Where do we go from here? w/ Nadiyah Johnson, Carrie’s Countdown (top spots), Afro Arts Milwaukee, Unrest w/ Imani Ortiz, and our Ex Fabula Features.



Issue 16 was made out of the struggle. Creating content in this multilayered social landscape has unearthed realities that the world as a whole was not prepared for. Thus, in these pages, you will find an attempt to give disenfranchised creatives room for representation. You will find political nuances that are characterized by personal interpretations of social responsibility, glamour triggered by our health crises, discussions of how tech is helping to save our current state of emergency, and content that was created through the cracks of social distancing. The question for us all is: Where do we go from here?

w/ Nadiyah Johnson, Carrie’s Countdown (top spots), Afro Arts Milwaukee, Unrest w/ Imani Ortiz, and our Ex Fabula Features. 



‘Reimagining’ the Future of Storytelling! (From our Partners at Ex Fabula)

*info provided by Ex Fabula

Milwaukee, WI – August 31st, 2020   This year has been filled with revolution, introspection and lots of change. But through it all, storytelling continues to move us. In season 12 Ex Fabula will be REIMAGINING the future of storytelling.

This fall, through themes like ‘Love’, ‘Childhood’, ‘Norms’, and ‘Celebration’, we invite community to share stories at our virtual StorySlams. On Thursday, September 17th ‘Love’ enters the chat as we explore stories of unions, living together, romance, self-care, dating, make-ups, break ups and more! This competitive slam is virtual; Zoom entry starts at 6:30pm and stories begin at 7pm.

Additionally, we’re offering new and improved public workshops, Black and Latinx/a/o Brave Space affinity workshops, and we’re back on the radio every Sunday from 3:30pm-4pm 104.1FM. Our multi-generational slam and MANDI award nominated Deaf StorySlam were so successful last year that we’re bringing them back! The 2nd Annual Deaf StorySlam takes place on Sunday, September 27th at 1pm and our multi-generational StorySlam happens on Sunday, October 4th at 1pm. Both slams are noncompetitive and tickets are available now at


We understand COVID-19 has affected many homes financially. To keep our events & workshops accessible, we’re introducing ‘Pay it forward tickets’. Purchase a ticket to any of our slams or workshops and purchase one for someone else to enjoy! Community members can request these free tickets, which are supported by contributions from members and donors.

We’ve become experts in facilitating highly interactive and virtual workshops created just for businesses, schools and community groups. Want to collaborate? Let’s chat! Or visit

Now is the perfect time to experience the power of storytelling. Use your personal stories to reimagine a new normal, reconnect with one another and drive action. Visit our website at to learn more about our upcoming StorySlams, workshops and special events. 

Ex Fabula is a nonprofit that has been connecting Milwaukee through real stories since 2009. 

Listen to CopyWrite Magazine on Episode 90 of Bridge The City Pod Cast


Check out CopyWrite’s Editor-in-Chief, Lexi S. Brunson as talks with hosts Kacee Ohalek and Benjamin Rangel of Bridge The City. “We talk about what makes CopyWrite Magazine unique, Lexi’s advice for other entrepreneurs in the city, and a new collective that supports other Black woman entrepreneurs in Milwaukee.” - Bridge The City

Episode 90: CopyWrite Magazine

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