"I SAID WHAT I SAID" w/ Garahbrie: I said I'm Thankful!

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I want to talk about why I am thankful for CopyWrite Magazine. First and foremost Dirty and Syn. You both have been motivating forces in my life, and I am so grateful for that. My internship has expanded beyond JUST work, This year has been a particularly rough one for me, but I don’t ever have to question either one of you, I know you are there to give a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, a different set of eyes on any given situation, and will have a PLOT with explicit details and timeline before I can even think to! You both advocate for me and tell me when I’m right and wrong.You both have taken me under your wing and I will always be grateful for that, I mean there’s so much more, but we know what it is. It's a business but that isn’t all. I feel good around you two, I feel welcome and wanted, I feel all the love. You both are two of the realest people I have ever met.

CopyWrite as an entity has opened so many doors for me, I have met SO many amazing souls and covered so many events that I now get ASKED to most of the events I attend. I had to learn that everyone isn’t a friend, all events aren’t worth covering, and I don’t ALWAYS have to have something to say. CopyWrite has allowed me to see the city of Milwaukee in a different light. It isn’t all about police and the constant fear of something happening to one of my loved ones, the violence isn’t all this city has to offer. There is dope music, and art; people with goals like me, and though the creative circle here is relatively small, CopyWrite brings awareness and more and more people are here with talent beyond this world! CopyWrite has allowed me to open my eyes and expand my horizons. CopyWrite has allowed me to GLOW!

...and oh my goodness I am thankful for my press pass. That thing is my BFF!


What are you thankful for? It is never too late to mend that broken relationship.

Close your eyes; imagine you are in a crisis...

WHO are YOU calling?

Now reach out to them, and tell them you appreciate them, and stick to that person. There are a lot of people out here who WANT to see you down and out, yet you would call THAT PERSON in your time of need.

That’s real.



#WCW Marie Carter of "The Classic Shoppe"

Keep it classic with this month’s #WCW Marie Carter the owner of “The Classic Shoppe”.

She’s an educator, a soon-to-be mommy, a business owner and did we mention she’s full of #BlackGirlMagic.


Born and raised in Milwaukee, Marie decided to go to Tennessee State University after her earlier education in the suburbs. Her experience in the the HBCU taught her how to embrace and appreciate her culture but also was where she first saw Black kids taking pride in their education and handling their business. It gave her a sense of pride and made her want to inspire others to gain the same new found strength.


Marie has her Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education and went on to earn her Master's in Curriculum and Instruction concentrating in Reading. She’s currently teaching middle school in the heart of Milwaukee. Yes, this is part of her #BlackGirlMagic.


She started her company after realizing there was a need for this in the market. “She did not want to wear something with a band she never listened to or a face of someone that she really did not have that much in common with, just because the colors matched what was needed to complete an outfit. And when she did find a rare gem with a person or a quote with whom she could identify, it seemed like it was the same person or quote, just served up different ways.”

We all can relate to that.

The Classic Shoppe is her way of appreciating and putting her culture in the clothing she loves. Because like they said on their site:

“It all boils down to this: if we don't honor and preserve our culture, who will?”

Screen Shot 2017-11-08 at 3.18.14 PM.png

Shop The Classic Shoppe to support the culture. Find it on there site here or follow their social media to get the newest part of your wardrobe. FB: The Classic Shoppe IG: @theclassicshoppe

Local2Local - MosaicoX, the curators of Austin's Local

“If you’re throwing a function and you don’t have proceeds going somewhere right now, you’re doing it wrong.” -AH

Meet the ladies of MosaicoX, the curators of Local (well Austin’s local).

Ashley on the left, Claudia on the right

Ashley on the left, Claudia on the right

MosaicoX or Mosaico Experiencia is a women duo featuring creatives Ashley Hicks or known by her DJ name as Adzua-Gette (from The House of Shakur) and Claudia Aparicio-Gamundi or  Mazapan (de Puro Chingón Collective). The two DJs started Mosaico Experiencia a year ago as a way to support Black and Brown women and self-identified women artists. And basically to listen and play any music they wanted in a club environment. (Disco Trap anyone?) 

So what does the Experience do?

CAG: “So the name became because we wanted to create experiences for people to have a safe place for everyone to just come and have a good time.”


MosaicoX creates “little festivals” specifically curated to the different vibes they want to showcase that night, whether that’s a poetry event, music event or an event for healing. They’re using their connections to grow the Black, Brown and women community of Austin. 

CAG: “...We not only have performances and music. But we also have a community of women that have their art for sale [in a marketplace environment.]”

The events and markets primarily support and prioritize women of color and self-identified women directly in response to the venues being hard to access for artists.

AH: “It’s a network for Austin, because we know a lot of people and artists. … It’s really just a space to bring people in and give them a platform to share.”

The platforms they create are often quick turnaround but well curated events that give an open forum for people to network and showcase their talents while giving back to a charity and their community.

“It really is just … a disruption of whatever ‘Scheduled Programming’ is.”

And we love disrupting the norms at CopyWrite.


Focused on event planning, curating and connecting artists with PAID gigs in safe environments, MosaicoX is creating a more consistent and concise way to keep the party going.

AH: “We started this for Black and Brown unity, because we just don’t see a lot of Black and Brown link-ups in Austin.”

Though they separately work in different collectives that target their own culture (Ashley of The House of Shakur and Claudia de Puro Chingón Collective); they thought ‘Why not merge who we are?’ to create a bigger impact and more visibility to the movement.


Connect with them on Instagram at @mosaico_experiencia or email them at mosaico.experiencia@gmail.com to experience an event or link up with them to plan your next event in the Austin area. They’re working and open to collaborative efforts to grow the culture and your passion. (Maybe you'll see a CW x MosaicoX event soon? **insert thinking emoji here**)

“Don’t start no shit, won’t be no shit.”


So lastly, what do you want people to know?

CAG: “Continue to support POC business owners.”

AH: “...And let’s be conscious of how we want our entertainment in our lives.”


F*** EXPOSURE. (... said every artist ever.)

And lastly (for real this time):

AH: “I just want to plug my band… Mamis.”  Where Ashley is the guitarist killing it in the band and their EP is dropping real soon. 

We hear you Mosaico. 

/Syn for Austin

Photos by Whitney Devin. Follow her on Instagram and see her work on whitneydevin.com 

Check out The Local - Oakland Cafe

oakland cafe.jpg

Check out our new favorite chill spot on Milwaukee’s Eastside, Oakland Cafe!

If you need a place to duck off at any time of day, this should be your go-to place. A few blocks from UWM campus ( 2979 N Oakland Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53211) Oakland Cafe serves breakfast delectables, Bomb smoothies, hot chocolate that is to die for, and all your Colectivo coffee favorites!

But here's the twist, they also serve Hookah!!! (Woot Woot)

So when your day is over and you just want to “hit the pipe” they have a great vibe and all the flavors for just that. And shockingly enough, their music selection is also lit ( a few members of the CW team checked it out last week...was that a little Kodak Black? Some Sza? Hmmmmmm.)

So next time you're in the neighborhood go out Oakland Cafe, and tell them CopyWrite Mag sent you!

Hookah Break anyone???


#WCW Rachel Vasquez

This year’s agenda for Rachel Vasquez: Continue to build her empire.


Our #WCW Rachel Vasquez is the owner of Fame Clothing line, Sheek 911 boutique, and the owner of Vasquez printing.

If that’s not enough for you, let’s add her other full time positions: Mom, Wife, Friend and self-proclaimed Queen of recreating jeans.


A woman with a lot of hustle and “Your Local Fashion Dealer” to say the least; she's been working.

Now normally I would go into a rant about how this boss lady is not stopping until she gets what she wants for herself, her family and the people she loves but I’ll let Rachel give us her perspective.

“Having a dream is about working late nights, sacrificing, and believing in yourself when no one else believes in you. In life there are workers and dreamers. I choose to be both. Taking my passion and making it my reality. Dreaming is not good enough if that's all you're doing, you have to take that dream and work until that dream gives you tunnel vision, until you want it as bad as you want to breathe. Started my dream back in 2012 with little to nothing in my bank account. It is now 2017 and I can see my growth in my work, growth is my mindset, growth in my sacrificing. 2017 is all about the revamping of my self. The next level up💪🏽 People see you working but they don't get to see the sacrifices you have to make every single day to get the lifestyle your family deserves. The work never ✋🏽 Stops, you never get to sleep 😴, your time is always taken.”  

We hear you Rachel.

Check out some items from her collections below to see some of her work. Then follow her and her organizations on IG: @Sheek911llc IG: @vasquez.collection17 FB: @Rachel Luis

Let us know who you want to see as our next #WCW in the comments.

All images owned and provided by Rachel Vasquez and her social accounts.

Milwaukee Fashion Week 2017 - Perspective

Milwaukee Fashion Week is back at it again with the controversy.

MKE FW 2017 event, hosted at the Milwaukee Athletic Club had already retrieved “local” traction before the week had even arrived. From culturally disruptive media pre-coverage to the grassroots MKE fashion world feeling once again slighted by the “politics” of the event, there was already some pushback to even attend.

CW staff attended the last day of the event, hoping that just observing a sample of this year's show would be more beneficial to MKEFW and our readers since our presence last year seemed to create a little bite back behind the scenes. (Reading the press credential agreements this year was quite insightful). Nonetheless, we saw what we saw.

Our favorites of the night:

  • Sarah Lauren Fashion, with her satin bases, smooth transitions, and unexpected use of material.
  • Em.Ris, with the dark tones, concepting, and staged fashion experience (the headphones….genius!)
  • Ieri Designs by Allison Jarrett, For the tailored suits with vibrant color and pattern selection.

Things we could do without:

  • The unfinished and unhemmed worked that was allowed on the runway.
  • The very unproportional crowd demographic. (Analyze the culture).
  • The stage setup.

Instead of going on we rather give you a glimpse at ONE narrative participants and the community are having about MKE FW:

Richon for EmRis

(From Facebook- Both Richon & Lupita were told their perspectives would be shared.)


We also received a perspective submission by another one of our readers and MKEFW models, Roshá Brister:

Rosha for EmRis
“It was my first time being a part of Milwaukee’s Fashion week and I have to say the experience wasn’t as hectic as my time at New York’s Fashion Week. I walked for designer Em’Ris, whom I have had the pleasure of working with on several different occasions. Hair and makeup prep was at 3 p.m., on the last day of the event. When I walked into the venue I was very surprised as to how un-athletic and elegant the club was, which I most certainly did not expect. I got to the hall and checked-in and took a seat. The halls setup was really nice and well put together; it definitely fits the mood of a fashion show. One thing that caught my attention was the stage, I was a little perplexed about its setup. It was about a 2ft. stage that models had to step onto when coming from behind stage. In my opinion, it would have just been best to leave it out altogether.  However, I did like the lighting; it brought out the light pink walls and white lining of the walls. This made the hall have an ambiance that was soft and inviting.
Behind the stage was organized in regards to understanding who was doing what and it was easy to locate your designer. I really enjoyed their model call system to ensure each model had their hair and makeup done on time and in an orderly fashion. Though this was well set up, I will say my hair and makeup experience was not the best by the slightest bit. The makeup/hair stylist that was assigned to my designer was not well versed in how to beautify and style darker complexions and hair types. I mean the lady did not brush my edges, honey! That’s important. I’m natural with locs, and still, I manage to have my edges looking together. Although that was simple for me to take care of, it was very disheartening that she was not prepared to do darker complexion women make up. She did makeup for another model and I, and honestly, it looked a hot mess. Good thing as a model, I brought my own foundation, mascara, and eyeliner; unfortunately “we” just have to be prepared for the unprepared.
The show started at 7 p.m. and Em’Ris line went on just before the first half. As a model, this was the least stressful setup that I had experienced. The staff was very organized in informing us when we needed to be dressed and where we’d go to enter the stage. The group of models and of course the designer Emily were amazing and we really killed our segment on stage! I would definitely participate in MKE Fashion Week again.”

So there you have it. Perspective is key to making the proper impact on the community in which you claim to serve, no matter what event it may be.

Like we say here at CopyWrite… #DoBetter


MKE Downtown Dining Week

It's Tuesday. Which means you only have 3 more days to enjoy Milwaukee Downtown Dining Week.

Eat your way around downtown Milwaukee by sampling the city's top steakhouses, bistros and eateries. Starting on June 1st, the eight day event let's you enjoy three-course meals at $12.50 for lunch and $25 or $35 for dinner. Just pick your options from a list of preselected favorites, then enjoy.

Check out the available restaurants and menus here:


Or look at this easy map to find your perfect restaurant to try:



Let us know where you're eating at and tell us what you think by mentioning @copywritemag and using the hashtag #downtowndiningmke. 

We've been filling up already. 

PBR & MKE Back At It

 All this great weather, barbecues and cold PBR’s being passed around this weekend has the CW team thinking about all the great events that will be happening this summer, and how the movement has been picking up in our city.

We are still very excited about MKE culture striving and Pabst re-opening bringing our favorite Urban components together in one big celebration;  Art, Music, Culture, and Community. We sent out CopyWrite’s newest intern, Garahbrie, to test the waters of PBR a few weeks ago, and this is what she had to say:

The Pabst Brewing Grand Opening street festival was an amazing event, and it was nice to see people from around the city come out just to have an enjoyable time. As CopyWrite’s newest addition I chose this as my first event to cover so Mahdi and I took to the streets!

Arriving I was nervous, there was a line three blocks long to enter the festival and there was SO much happening. I was starting to question why I took on something so large my first time around.

The festival took place on May 13, 2017 (at 1037 W Juneau Ave) to celebrate the reopening of the Pabst Brewery.  Executive Director of the Milwaukee County Historical Society, Mame McCully explained on PabstMKEBrewery.com, “Pabst returning to Milwaukee is actually just a physical presence. It never really left in the sense that it’s always been Milwaukee’s beer. Just because it wasn’t made right here on Pabst’s grounds anymore, it didn’t stop existing for us. This is forever going to be Brew City, MKE, and it’s forever going to be the place where the major beer industry was born. It’s a return to their heritage.” This clearly not just exciting for Pabst but also for the city and culture around it.

Pulling into the parking structure with money in hand and the attendant noticed my CopyWrite press pass and let me right through! That readers, was INSANE! That really happens? I parked my car and got ready to make this three-block hike to the END of a very long line.

Walking by the entrance I was stopped AGAIN and told to go through, and that I didn’t need to wait, at that point I was FLOORED… Okay, CopyWrite! Intern perks are in full effect!

I interviewed festival goers just to get a feel of where people’s heads were at. When I asked, what made them come to the festival so many people responded, “I came for the beer and Ish Darr!” I must admit, I was excited to see Ish perform live as well, and it was definitely worth it! He performed tracks from his 2016 project “Broken Hearts and Bankrolls” and wrapped up by performing my favorite, “Too Bad.” I even snagged a pic with him after!

Two festival goers with forty ounce beers taped, yes taped, to their hands sparked my interest so I decided to ask them a few questions about how they were enjoying the festival with a response, “Welcome back Pabst, we’ve missed you! Woo Hoo!” complete with yelling and genuine laughter.

Other GREAT acts performed including, New Age Narcissism, Hugh Masterson, D’amato, Masked Intruder, and Abby Jeanne.

After catching some dope performances Mahdi and I got to meet MORE festival goers, and got some visuals that were to DIE for, everyone knows that I love Mahdi’s work.

I was randomly asked to play a game of cornhole (bean bag toss), which I SUCKED at by the way. I have bad aim and noodle arms. Not a match made in cornhole heaven folks. It was an amazing aura, being able to interact with complete strangers as if I have known them for years. The Pabst Brewery was able to make that happen.

There were tons of vendors and sponsors there as well! From OnMilwaukee, to Milwaukee Record, Moda 3, and 88Nine. I visited 88Nine earlier this weekend with Lexi and Mahdi, and as always, it was something great happening. The youth performed their original pieces to a very interactive crowd on the 88Nine stage, of course, CopyWrite was there because we have to #SupportTheLocal

This event was mad with networking, and love! The city made me proud! All in all, I am happy I chose this as my first event to cover. It got me so excited to see what Summer ‘17 has in store. Catch all that visual work though right here at CW!

/Garahbrie (CW Intern)

Slay with The Style Hub

At CopyWrite, we think that your style is a quick snapshot of self.  Since it can quickly tell people who you are without you having to speak.

In the music industry (and sometimes in life), the way you dress and your appearance can get someone to take that extra second to stop and ask "Who is this person? And what do they do?" It's just how it works. Having a style, a steez, a look; can get you far; as long as you have the talent to match.

This is why we're introducing you to The Style Hub, an online directory offering an one-stop shop for style.

A women-owned and operated business, The Style Hub is there for all your style needs.

As a client, The Style Hub connects you to the people you need by managing all of your stylists needs in one. Need a wardrobe stylist? Need a makeup artist? Need a beautician? They're ready to help you with your needs from photoshoots to video shoots to parties. You name it.

As a stylist, The Style Hub works to feature talented stylists in the Milwaukee area increasing the stylists awareness and credibility as well as showing off their talents by hosting styling events in hair, beauty and fashion.

Check out some of the photos from their last event below.

And if you want to know more, subscribe to their website and stay informed on the official launch of the web and app coming May and July 2017 by liking their Facebook or Instagram page... 

IMAGES provided by The Style Hub.


However, we only sponsor businesses we believe in and would support regardless. No fake frauds here. You want in? E-mail us at copywrite.mke@gmail.com with your business information.
