(REAL) Thoughts on Hip-Hop Week MKE

(REAL) Thoughts on Hip-Hop Week MKE

As an active media outlet of the Milwaukee Hip-Hop and Creative scene, CopyWrite has been checking in on the progress of the event planning, contributors, and real local Hip-Hop community engagement since day one. With that being said, of course, we showed up to many of the scheduled events, sending out in-house staff, CW connects, “Shooters” and the other eyes that would prefer to stay anonymous (Check all your sources). 

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Intern For CopyWrite Magazine (Deadline Sep. 15th 2018)


CW internship is a hands on, in the field, “Press” position focusing on the Urban Creative Lifestyle. Our interns are ambitious people who are hungry to learn, grow, and be challenged. Our interns should have the ability to team up with like-minded individuals and get creative. Intern duties vary depending on experience, expertise and interest.

College enrollment not necessary (but we do offer college credit). Come join the CW fam. Applications due Sept 15.

Send an email to copywrite.mke@gmail.com ATTN: Fall Internship for more details and to apply.

Hip-Hop Week MKE is Almost Here!

Hip-Hop Week MKE is right around the corner, and we want to make sure you have all the opportunities to get in on the action. Below you will find the official schedule of the events covering all the elements of Hip-Hop, including some unexpected attributes that are critical to making our community thrive. Make sure you tag us in on your social media fun for a chance to make it into our review of Hip-Hop Week.

Check out https://www.hiphopweekmke.com/ , for more details.


Hip hop.jpg

#WeeSeeYou: El Color De La Libertad (The Color of Freedom) - Ft. Latino Youth, MC(mikal), Klassik & SistaStrings

“We call America the land of the free for a reason and we are still waiting for freedom”, the voice of the youth is shaking the narrative.



“Amidst divisive national debate over immigration and policies that separate families, the new student lead music video El Color De La Libertad gives voice to Latino youth, providing a powerful perspective on freedom in the United States”, says project representatives in their submission. We have all seen it. The images, the news reports, and even the heartbreaking personal testimonies from those affected but still have the platform to speak. But what about our youth?

Through collaboration between Jazale’s Art Studio and Alexander Mitchell Integrated Arts School, El Color De La Libertad (The Color of Freedom) uses the words of Latino 7th grade students with the talents of Milwaukee-based musicians MC(Mikal), Klassik, SistaStrings, and filmmaker Wes Tank to produce a video that depicts the youth narrative and positive creative process to shed light on the subject.

Soccer Silhouette_Still.png

Spearheaded by Lead Teacher, Nora Justin, and Lead Artist, Mikal Floyd-Pruitt known on stage as, MC(Mikal) the project that started in 2017 now has something to show, that disseminates more impact and reality then most national broadcast may ever display.  Its bright colors, unifying aura and relatable production inspired by Letter to the Free, by Common, is an empowering and might we say emotional watch. (A few tears of community joy may have been dropped in the first viewing. Don’t judge! lol)

More of this is needed in the world, in our country, in our state, in our city, and in our community. Any disenfranchisement of a people is an issue that we all have to creatively address.

¿Qué son Los Colores de Libertad? All of them!

#WeSeeYou Kids!

Please spread the good vibes, the bright spirits, and the youth voice. They will be our difference.

Press the heart bellow & leave a comment to let us know you stand with the freedom wave for all!


EL COLOR DE LA LIBERTAD | THE COLOR OF FREEDOM ft. 7th Graders from Alexander Mitchell Integrated Arts School, MC(mikal), Klassik & Sista Strings. Made in Milwaukee, WI.

Fashion Friday - Classic Man with @theclassicshoppe

Back at it again! I hope you all enjoyed your 4th of July festivities but I got some more heat for you! 
This week I want to show some love to a local brand, The Classic Shoppe! This week, I was feeling myself in this dope t-shirt from @theclassicshoppe. Usually I have a tough time with getting the right fit with tees but they definitely got me together. Sporting their unisex “Notorious” shirt, I felt the 90s blood running through my body and as a 90s baby, that’s right up my alley!  


I reached out to The Classic Shoppe to get the scoop on what they’re about and who their audience is and they provided me this statement from their website, “So it all started when our founder was shopping in a popular contemporary store one day and an overwhelming sense of frustration set in. As she flipped through rack after rack, she became more and more fed up with not being able to find what she was looking for; not one thing represented her. She did not want to wear something with a band she never listened to or a face of someone that she really did not have that much in common with, just because the colors matched what was needed to complete an outfit. And when she did find a rare gem with a person or a quote with whom she could identify, it seemed like it was the same person or quote, just served up different ways. She began to wonder if the culture she loved and respected was truly appreciated or just being picked and pruned to fit into some trend. So she made her own trend, but in reality it was nothing she made and it is far from a trend. It all boils down to this: if we don't honor and preserve our culture, who will? Keep it classic. xoxo”


Its for the culture and I’m here for it! To join the movement and get your hands on some of their merch, you can visit www.theclassicshoppe.com to view all of their products ranging from fanny packs to hoodies! Also, be sure to follow them on Instagram @theclassicshoppe and use the hashtag #JoinTheMovement to show them how you rock the brand! Milwaukee, until next time!

InstaMeet MKE (Recap) by BrenEnd Films

You should have been there!

InstaMeet MKE sponsored by CopyWrite Magazine was lit! The energy, creativity, and of course style was in full effect. Even though the photographs, social post and personal anecdotes spreading around the city are enough to make any fashion head or photographer jelly, BrenEnd Films has put together a recap video to show everyone what you really missed.

(& he indeed killed it!)

If you like what you see, you definitely wont want to mix the next one. Check it out and let us know what you think.


Shot on Sony A7s Rokinon 24mm Cine 4

Snapshot Press Release: On to Greater Things (Vincent Van Great at Summerfest 2018)

It’s that time of year again when all of our local favorites are on the move, elevating the playing field and checking off all of their goals. Vincent Van Great is no exception.

CopyWrite Magazine caught up with him backstage at Summerfest after his performance as the opening act for Tory Lanez on the Briggs & Stratton Big Backyard stage, this past Thursday to see how things have been developing since our last sit down at Summer Solstice in 2017.

Images by FreakishNerd // Mahdi Gransberry

Images by FreakishNerd // Mahdi Gransberry

After a massive set with his band Ninja Sauce and some other talented artist from MKE (Dana Coppafeel, Jay Anderson, Blizz McFly, & Yo-dot), Vincent Van Great was eager to retreat into his dressing room away from the crowd and all the action. “I’m hungry, [and] I need to eat,” he said crashing onto the couch.

CW: “Big Stage! Summerfest! A Great set! How are you feeling yo’?”

VVG: “I’m feeling really good. Excellent to say the least.” The look on his face of exhaustion was carried out with the satisfaction of completion.

CW: “Was it what you expected?”

VVG: “It actually was exactly what I expected. I know the type of audience that Tory Lanez brings so I added some extra groovy and smooth songs to my set instead of doing something way more hip-hop.”

Though Great seemed a little iffy on the crowd's thoughts, we noticed quite a few heads bobbing and catching the beat, enjoying the vibe. Festival crowds can be spazmatic when awaiting headliners but this bunch didn't seem to mind at all. (ON THE RECORD! LOL.)

This is his second year playing as a major opener at Summerfest. Last year he played the Johnson Control stage before the epic performance of BJ the Chicago Kid.

VVG: “They keep putting me with these R&B type of guys even though I do a lot of hip-hop.”

CW: “Do you think that's because of the live band?” (If you have not yet seen his performances with Ninja Sauce, you are missing out.)

VVG: “Well it's cool either way. But it's definitely about to usher me into this new sound that I am coming up with. Which leads me into me and Dana’s new project.”

Vincent Van Great will be dropping a new project later this summer entitled, ‘A Tape Called Fresh,’ co-starring Dana Coppafeel. The concept pushes the throwback cassette style, with an A side & B side tracklist. The A-side featuring the more hard-hitting Hip-hop sounds that their day-one fans enjoy where the B side will host more groovy melodic, “girly records.”

CW: “Girly!?!”

VVG: “Haha, you know the songs with a more R&B feel, that are vibey. The B side of the project will really cue everyone into the lane I’m entering in, so listen to that project and peep the B-side. But I mean it's all fire.”

We believe it. Great has been working on his craft for a while now, and all the progress that we have noted has been the elevation into bigger and better things. Production, delivery, and even performance style have morphed but still are very much his own sound.

CW: “We have known you for a long time. It's obvious that you are getting plenty of traction locally and it’s expanding into industry. Are you ready for it?”

VVG: “I have been working a long time for this and sometimes you don't get to sit back and really realize what you have accomplished. Because for me I’m still peddling…”

CW: “Like literally peddling on a Bublr bike. Haaaaa!”

VVG: He starting laughing hard. “There you go babbbyyyyy! Shout to Bublr Bikes!”

Vincent Van Great rode his custom VVG Bublr Bike on stage since they are proud sponsors of his Summerfest set!

VVG: “There will be several other Vincent Van Great bikes in different Bublr Bike locations, so if you see a VVG bike; pick that one!”

Shameless plugs are life! It is undebatable that Great is making moves. Where summer is alive in well these major sets are just apart of the action with many more showcases to come around the midwest.

VVG: “I’m headed out July 20th to Des Moines, Iowa. So if you’re out those ways come check me out. I know everyone reads CopyWrite, so they will get the message.” (He’s right, especially those in the midwest we get a lot of love). “Then the following weekend I’m in Minneapolis, Minnesota. August I will be back here for Hip-Hop Week MKE and September you can catch me at Bayview Bash, so I’m definitely around for the festival season. Oh and Kansas City Indie Fest, as well.”


So with all the Great moves comes even Greater sacrifice. With his new opportunities of industry stardom at several levels on the line, he has been splitting his time off the road between L.A. and Milwaukee, cultivating dual homes.

VVG: “It’s split between the two because I’m working with Lana Turner (Comedian & wife of late comedian Ralphie May) now, as her Music Director for her new show, ‘Perfect 10’. So I will be back and forth from here to there trying to dot some I’s and cross some T’s on that coast.”

As you can see some of your local faves are not so local anymore but the love is the same, calling out his favorite (yes, we said favorite) magazine to share his 2018 Summerfest set. His passion and artistry shined through as he directed his band into each song, creating interest and making sure the crowd knew is exactly who he is. “I go by the name Vincent Van Great!”He said it five times y’all, make sure it sticks.

CW: “Is there anything else you want the people to know?”

VVG: “I love CopyWrite. Thank you, ladies, & your team for always helping me out and having my back. Y’all keep killing it.”

And as always, we love you back!

#SupportTheLocal opening acts this year at Summerfest. They will be worth your time!


Check out the digital version of this article here.

MKE Hip-Hop Week 2018 Updates


Hey MKE! This week we were sent a few update flyers on the status of this years MKE Hip-Hop week. In the words of our "PR Person" Tiffany:

"I see they are talking that REAL hip-hop. I fux with this." Lol indeed.

Check out the info below and make sure you are in the mix for this groundbreaking experience. (We will keep you posted)

And don't forget to tell them CopyWrite sent you!


88NiNE Presents - Invisible Lines: Episode Three (Wish Sandwich)

88Nine's Invisible Lines series has a little something for us all. 

We know how the city can get. We hate to talk about it but the elephant in the room has become an epidemic that leaves us all wishing for 2nd chances.

LaToya and Vaun, discuss why representation and remembrance matters in our communities, where sometimes the target is just too close to home.

We would like to just remind everyone that life is precious. Please try to respect it this summer.

Check out the video & let us know your thoughts in the comments below. 

#LoveSelf #MakePeace #SupportTheLocal


Community activists, LaToya and Vaun, talk about colorism and the importance of memorial trees after suffering a loss.

CW Guide to Summerfest 2018

It's that time again, in two weeks Summerfest 2018 starts and YES, CopyWrite is back as OFFICIAL MEDIA for the "World's Largest Music Festival."

This year, Summerfest has FINALLY made it a priority to add and integrate hip-hop/rap into its lineup along with an impressive push to have local acts opening up for leaders in the industry. This year, for almost EVERY DAY of the festival, you will find a hip-hop/rap artist(s) waiting to hit the stage. 


Our only complaint is their 2018 Emerging Artists Series, where they once again have not shown or feature any of the Milwaukee talent we know and love other than Milwaukee band, Bo & Airo. P.S. Summerfest we would be happy to give you a list of "Emerging Artists" for 2019; drop us an email (copywrite.mke@gmail.com). 

All shade a side, you will find someone you want to see at Summerfest this year. We can promise that. 

See our CW guide below.


Summerfest is June 27-July 1 and July 3 - July 98

(List ordered by Date)


American Family Insurance Amphitheater Headliners

06.27 //

Amerika's Addiction

Laye Murashi 

06.29 //





07.03 //

Trippie Redd

J. Cole

07.05 //

Shawn Mendes

Charli XCX


Big Boi

The Weeknd


2017 (GroundStage) Festival Headliners

06.27 //

DJ BIZZON (Opening for Lil Uzi Vert)

Lil Uzi Vert

The All-American Rejects

06.28 //

Vincent VanGreat with NinjaSauce

Tory Lanez



Ian Ewing


Sugarhill Gang

Grandmaster Mele Mel & Scorpio Furious 5

06.29 //


DJ Nu Stylez

Xavier Omar

06.30 //

Naima Adedapo

07.01 //

Bo & Airo

Lex Allen featuring SistaStrings (Opening for Black Violin)

Black Violin

07.03 //

Abby Jeanne (Opening for Benjamin Booker)

Benjamin Booker

The Wailers

07.04 //


The Fray (I love The Fray so they’re on this list too)

7.05 //

Jimmie Allen

Machine Gun Kelly

Denny Lanez

DJ BIZZON (Opening for DJ Jazzy Jeff)

Dj Jazzy Jeff


07.06 //

Genesis Renji (Opening for Amine)



07.06 //

B~Free (Opening for Janelle)

Janelle Monae

07.07 //

Jonny P


Purchase Amphitheater tickets here.

General admission tickets are now $21 so we suggest going early and getting a Day pass for $14, all you have to do is get there before 4pm. Learn more about purchasing tickets here

Let us know if we missed someone so we can add it to our list. :) and follow us on Instagram @copywritemag for on the scene vibes.