The Black Joy Retreat - Press Release

The Black Joy Retreat

Join Race and Faith and Bridge the Divide in supporting and providing relief from racial trauma.

MILWAUKEE, WI, June, 16, 2021 — The time to heal is now. Race and Faith and Bridge the Divide are joining up to support and provide relief from racial trauma, with a new experience they are calling The Black Joy Retreat. The Black Joy Retreat is an effort to alleviate the racial trauma that many Black individuals have been facing for generations. In the height of the racial climate the community currently navigates, the concept for this retreat is to inhabit a space where “being Black” is welcomed, encouraged, and affirming. “I think the focus on the Black Joy is the powerful piece. We're surrounded by so much racial trauma and negativity, in this [systemically] anti-Black environment that we live in. How do we continue to find joy, be joyous, harness joy or celebrate that which we already have? And celebrate who we are?” — said Rhonda Hill, Founder of Race and Faith and Creator of The Black Joy Retreat.

While recognizing racial trauma, The Black Joy Retreat will also recognize the power to heal together. Retreat space is meant to create an environment where Black individuals and families can have fun, reflect, or rest in a safe atmosphere that is essential to that healing. Programmed to fit all participants' individual needs, communal gathering, time alone, and moments for more intimate congregation will be embraced. This is a welcoming space for Black people that visibly affirms Blackness and the intersectionality of our identities. This means that ALL peoples who identify as Black are welcomed to attend.

The Black Joy Retreat will happen several times throughout the year in various locations across the country. The kick off retreat will take place July 2nd, 2021 through July 4th, 2021 in Green Lake, WI. In the attempt to engage with the entire Black community, participants are only asked to pay what they can. The Black Joy Retreat and its affiliates are currently taking donations to provide care packages to people of the global majority, as well as provide financial support for those wanting to attend The Black Joy retreat. [Donations can be made at: ]

“There are thirty-plus million Black people in this country. I’m trying to love on all of them.”, said Hill about the multi-series retreat. With traction starting to build from the intentional communal reach for interest, many different people, businesses, and organizations have started to reach out nationally offering to help in the mission of The Black Joy Retreat. As resources become available the types of retreats offered follow.

Individuals interested in The Black Joy Retreat can sign up by filling out the form at The Black Joy Retreat ( Participants will be asked about their retreat preferences and contacted with details upon completion. Keep up to date with retreat dates, community engagement, programing and more by following us on @racialprogress and liking the event page at It is time to create a space where we can be Unapologetically Black. It is time to let our joy freely flourish.


At Race & Faith, we understand people have various “Entry Points” into the conversation about racism. Using these entry points, we unpack racism, create community and deepen the understanding of how one's belief system informs participation in racial justice. Visit our website\ to learn more.

Follow us on Facebook @racialprogress

Contact: Rhonda Hill


We Outside!!! Keep up w/ your /CW Fam as we cover #OutOfTheBoxMKE

Join us this summer as we provide authentic /CW style media coverage at Out Of The Box, six-week summer series. Your /CW Fam will be in the field catching all the vibes that change the narrative, highlight the community, and looking at everything through a creative lens. Tag us at @copywritemag and #copywritemag #OutOfTheBoxMKE #BlackBoxFund so we can help show off the local every step of the way!


The Trauma Trials [Episode 2]

Trigger Warning*
The math isn’t mathing. We may not be able to tell you the “why” but we can tell you the “what” as in “what happened?” or “what is going on with our city and generational abuse among our Generation Z and Millennial adults.” That “What?” starts with a story. That “what” may start with your sister or brother. That “what” may start with your cousins or friends. That “what” may start with you.

CopyWrite Magazine feature from Issue 17: Evolution, The Trauma Trials out now!

Juneteenth Milwaukee Golden Anniversary! Sponsored by Northcott Neighborhood House!

*information provided by Elizabeth Coggs

Mural design created by artist Vedale Hill

Mural design created by artist Vedale Hill

Juneteenth Milwaukee Golden Anniversary. . . It's Countdown Time. Join Us for Juneteenth this Saturday!

Who: Tony Kearney, Executive Director of Northcott Neighborhood House, Artist Vedale Hill, Employ Milwaukee Earn & Learn Summer Youth Employment Fair, Juneteenth T-Shirts Go On Sale June 15, 2021!

What: Juneteenth Pageant Director LaTonya Lucas announces the date for the crowning, on June 16, 2021-4pm, Juneteenth Muralist, Vedale Hill will talk about the mural;  Chytania Brown, President and CEO of Employ Milwaukee Earn & Learn Summer Youth Employment Fair speaks, and the Juneteenth Golden Anniversary T-Shirts Go On Sale June 15, 2021.

When: 12 p.m. on Tuesday, June 15, 2021  

Where: Northcott Neighborhood House, 2460 N 6th St, Milwaukee, WI 53212 

(Milwaukee) June 15, 2021 - Northcott Neighborhood House (NNH), Executive Director Tony A. Kearney, Sr. and Juneteenth Pageant Director, LaTonya Lucas are announcing that on Wednesday, June 16, 2021, at 4pm; the Juneteenth 50th Anniversary Pageant Winners and their Court will be announced at Northcott Neighborhood House.  Also, in attendance will be the 2020 Juneteenth Pageant winners:

Little Miss Juneteenth Avana Kelly

1st Runner-up Tehana Titus

2nd Runner-up Madelyn Taylor

3rd Runner-up Isharra Collier

Miss Juneteenth Day Ayanna Bennet

1st Runner-up Adaobi Nnamuchi

2nd Runner-up Aniyah Lobley

Mister Juneteenth Jr Christian Wilder

Mister Juneteenth Reign Riley

1st Runner-up Stephawn Easley

2nd Runner-up Isreal Akinsanya

3rd Runner-up Shaun McFerrin

The Juneteenth 50th Golden Anniversary mural will be designed by Vedale Hill.  The mural will reflect the Juneteenth historical attributes of the holiday and will be painted on Locust and king Drive intersection.  Vedale Hill studio is in the Bronzeville area, and he is known for working with youth and bringing out their creativity and talent in their artistic design.  Mr. Hill said, "I am excited about doing a mural that will allow everyone to get involved it's intergenerational and community involved."

Ms. Brown of Employ Milwaukee is bringing the Earn and Learn Summer Youth Employment Program to the people.    Ms. Brown shared, "when I became CEO, "I shared I wanted to expand on what Employ Milwaukee is doing and this is one of the initiatives, taking this Earn & Learn to the youth."

Lastly, Juneteenth T-shirts will go on sale Tuesday, June 15, 2021, this is another way people can support the Juneteenth 50th Golden Anniversary.   There are two styles that you can:

The white t-shirt with green ink is selling for $12.50 or 2 for $20

The white t-shirt with the green and gold ink is selling $15 each or two for $25

Stop in at Northcott Neighborhood House, 2460 N. 6th Street and pick up your Juneteenth T-shirt swag for you and your family and show your pride.

The Juneteenth Day celebration is this Saturday starting with the parade at 8am, watch it live on TMJ4. Join us for a family fun day at Juneteenth!

- Elizabeth Coggs 414-372-3770 |

The Trauma Trials [Out Now!]

Trigger Warning*
The math isn’t mathing. We may not be able to tell you the “why” but we can tell you the “what” as in “what happened?” or “what is going on with our city and generational abuse among our Generation Z and Millennial adults.” That “What?” starts with a story. That “what” may start with your sister or brother. That “what” may start with your cousins or friends. That “what” may start with you.

CopyWrite Magazine feature from Issue 17: Evolution, The Trauma Trials out now!

Get “Out of the Box” this Summer with Black Box Fund [Trailer video featuring REbirth by Cracking Art]

Your /CW Fam will be chilling with the “birds” all summer long!

Check out this teaser video to get a glimpse at how we will be helping to activate the arts with Black Box Fund’s Out of the Box series featuring REbirth by Cracking Art!

#Crackingart #historicthirdwardmilwaukee #outoftheboxmke

Get “Out of the Box” this Summer with Black Box Fund

Contact: Black Box Fund

Media Relations Represented by CopyWrite Magazine, Media, & Design

Tiffany Bean [Public Relations /CW] - | 414.207.9832


Get “Out of the Box” this Summer with Black Box Fund

Black Box Fund is hosting a six-week

Summer series Out of the Box, featuring Cracking ArtJune 20 to August 1, 2021

Black Box Fund has announced a series of events that is sure to inspire, entitled Out of the Box. Out of the Box is a six-week series of family-friendly performances, workshops and more taking place along Lake Michigan’s shore south of Discovery World at Lakeshore State Park. Over 75 local non-profits, entertainers, artists and businesses will enliven this summer with multifaceted experiences highlighting a range of national and international awareness events—from African American Music Appreciation to World Nature Conservation. These events will run from June 20 to August 1, 2021. [See full Out of the Box schedule at].

“Black Box Fund’s team is passionate about artists of all kinds—musicians, dancers, visual artists, poets, whatever art form someone may be doing—and supporting the creative experiences that happen when artists meet their publics. Seeing them do their work in real life and real time is always extraordinary.” - Marilu Knode, Executive Director of Black Box Fund


At the heart of the event is the commissioned sculptural installation REbirth by artistic movement Cracking Art. REbirth features 22 five-foot-tall, brightly colored swallows, made of “regenerable” plastic. Cracking Arts main desire is to create a sense of wonder that can bring pleasure while highlighting the overwhelming presence of plastic in our lives. “We primarily choose urban spaces rather than those dedicated specifically to art in order to trigger unexpected emotions, expel routine from everyday places, and allow for the reflection of a space with new eyes. Our hope is that this relationship can inspire creativity and a different point of view for observing the surrounding reality.” Cracking Art interview Oubliette magazine.

Black Box Fund has committed to bring the community together around art and highlight the broad diversity of creativity that this city has to offer. When asked about the event, Doug McDonald, Board President of Black Box Fund, said “We look at this as moving out of a mental box, not just a physical one, and expanding our connection with the creative community and with the community at large. Our mission is to create welcoming, family-friendly, open gatherings that really draw people from all aspects of the community.”

[Learn more at].

With live music, guided tours, food trucks and lots of outdoor space for safe communal engagement, there is plenty for the whole family to enjoy throughout the summer. Everyone is welcome. Black Box Fund believes that it is important to engage with all its community, sharing in the multifaceted ways in which we exist.

To learn more about Out of the Box, visit our website, You will find more about the events, activities and performances planned for the summer. You can also find us on Facebook at Black Box Fund and follow us on Instagram @blackboxfundmke. We’ll be sharing more information and posting updates on these pages throughout the event.

The State DNR currently allows a maximum 350 people per event; visitors to Lakeshore State Park can enjoy Cracking Art and Out of the Box performances while maintaining a safe distance, wearing a mask, and otherwise following the State’s guidelines for COVID safety which can be found at

About: Black Box Fund was founded in 2019 with the belief that art can be a positive unifying force to connect community, our mission is to support public art, music and performance that inspires, educates and enhances the well-being of our Milwaukee communities.

To schedule press interviews or any media event coverage, contact:

Media Relations Represented by CopyWrite Magazine, Media, & Design

Tiffany Bean [Public Relations /CW] - | 414.207.9832

Follow us on Instagram @blackboxfundmke