Message: You are LOVED! | Happy V-Day from your /CW Fam
/Add us to your group chat, we got all the love you need!
But really tho, on a day when it’s all about they “display” of love just know that we see y’all and we love the creative community we call our family. We appreciate the love you show us daily and hope you feel it right back. /CW
Happy Valentine's Day From Your /CW Fam!
/Morning dime pieces! Happy Valentine’s Day!
I know we are all happy to get the cute little bears and flowers, and that chocolate that we never eat (sorry fellas). Celebrate today with ya boo but don’t focus too much on the material love. Take today to appreciate and recognize each others’ unconditional love, respect, support and growth. If you are single, take today to pour into yourself. Go buy yourself some flowers, get cute, take some selfies and love on you! Either way, show love for everything you receive but appreciate the REAL priceless moments, cause real love doesn't cost a thing!
Alexa, play “I Want” by Devv Lo!
Pam from your /CW Fam
Stancilboi - Butterflies
/We love a good love song!
Milwaukee Native Stancilboi recently released his newest single “Butterflies'' is all about love and that special someone who makes you feel happy. Anytime we hear male artist singing/rapping about love, We are automatically engaged!
Check out Stancilboi’s latest single just in time for Valentine’s day!