#SupportTheLocal - Blaze Pizza Fundraiser for Jazale's Art Studio

“Everybody eats B!”

So why not do it while supporting a good cause! Help us spread the work and make sure you get your Blaze Pizza While using this flyer on April 2nd, 2019 to help support Jazale’s Art Studio!


MKE Industry Mixer ( Press Write Up)

Milwaukee has really been trying to step up their networking game lately, and making sure to include the creatives in the city. Every other day I see a new event I’m invited to on Facebook where creatives are coming together to meet and possibly collaborate on projects. The most recent event I went to was the MKE Industry Mixer, hosted by DJ Rickey Allenz from v100.7. This mixer was packed with people in the music industry from popular DJ’s to local artists, radio personalities and more. I tried to talk to a little bit of everybody in each category to see what they thought of the event to really give y’all a good feel for what went down if you missed out!


DJ Rickey Allenz was the mastermind behind this beneficial event, and for this to be his first one, he did a bomb job. He wanted to have the industry mixer because he feels like he’s in tune with a lot of Milwaukee artists, however, some DJ’s just don’t know what’s currently hot in the streets. The point of the mixer is to bring artists together with DJ’s because in hindsight, artists without DJ’s are practically nothing. The DJ is the one who’s going to play your record in clubs, on the radio, etc. They can help spread your music to a wider audience who might not normally get to hear it on a regular basis if, for example, the artist mostly promotes it within their own community. DJ Rickey Allenz is a DJ for v.100.7, WNOV and KBBG 88.1 in Iowa. Other DJ’s have connections in other cities as well, so if they know you and like your music, they can promote your songs in those areas. That is called a PLUG ladies and gentlemen!


Allenz used to be an artist himself, but he didn’t know the game well enough, so he fell off of it. He said some DJ’s will hustle an artist and charge them money to play their music and then possibly not fall through with actually playing it. That’s not what Allenz is about. If he likes it, he’ll play it, simple. He’s always willing to help an artist grow and put them on game if they’re willing to help themselves.


Two artists who I was able to speak with at the industry mixer were @NuMoney2mm and @_sgodjayy. They both came and either performed or had their music played that night. NuMoney performed one of his songs, and he says the DJ/Artist duo is a great relationship. The artist has a product the DJ demands and the DJ can be the start of everything. He says, you never know a connection someone might have with someone else who can get your foot in the door.

@_sgodjayy had one of his songs played and was literally geeked when his song came on lol. Jayy says every platform is a good one, it just depends on how you use it. He gets excited for his music and takes pride in his craft and creativity because “when you take pride in what you do, it shows.” You have to have confidence, he says, or else you’ll limit yourself.

I met the lovely DJ Trustar, aka the Trap Princess and the first female Core DJ in Milwaukee, and she says it’s important for DJ’s to come to events like the mixer. Sometimes DJ’s don’t talk on the mic and artists don’t know who they are so it’s good to get your face out there. For example, a lot of people don’t even know she IS DJ Trustar, since she doesn’t talk on the mic much, if at all. People are usually surprised when they find out she’s a woman, especially since she really knows how to throw down on the 1s and 2s, which usually isn’t expected from a woman DJ (btw, that’s a whole topic for a different day that can be dissected when y’all are ready lol).

Lastly, I spoke to the very personable radio personality, Promise from v.100.7! A few Milwaukee artists might know him from his radio segment, “Heat from The Street.” Promise resurrected the segment when he first came to v.100.7 because he wants to help artist get more exposure. Promise tries to be pretty hands on as far as trying to make sure the city hears different sounds and styles, because a lot of the time people get boxed into whatever part of the city they’re in. He also says social media has ironically made people antisocial. Promise says, “In the music industry everybody wants to be heard, but a lot of people don’t know the right approach.” Networking events like the mixer are a great opportunity for media professionals to interact with artists and put them on game. It gives them a chance to get in front of each other and learn how to talk and be more personable instead of hiding behind a screen. Also, it helps for people in the industry to put a name with a face or a face with a voice.

Overall, I thought the event was a great opportunity for people in the industry to mix and make those connections to further grow their careers. There weren’t just DJ’s in attendance either, club promoters, music producers, sound engineers and other journalists with media platforms came as well, s/o to Brittani and A Sit with Britt.

My only concern was the fact that there weren’t a lot of artists there. The DJ’s did their part and showed up. I was introduced to plenty of them such as, DJ Heathen of v.100.7, DJ devast8 and DJ Cell of the Recordbreakers, etc. I’m not sure if it was the promotion of the event, artists just not wanting to come or what. But, I see a lot of artists complain that there aren’t events like this, then when there is, no one shows up. Like I’ve tried to drill into your brains throughout this entire article, this industry mixer was a great opportunity for everyone involved, so if someone can let me know the reason why more connections weren’t made on the artist side, please enlighten ya girl! Hopefully DJ Rickey Allenz and other DJ’s throw more networking events like this in the future because the concept is great and can really elevate the music culture here in Milwaukee (which you know CW is all for).

/Intern Carrie for CW

Riverwest FemFest 2019 Deadline Coming Soon!

We want you to apply!!!

*Application deadline is February 28, 2019*

This year we are behind the scenes consulting with Riverwest Fem Fest to make sure we bring all the city out including YOU to be apart of the action. We want Women/Femmes of all backgrounds, ethnicities, classes, and creativities to be apart of this years festival. As a women owned business CopyWrite will stand with all of those determined to make positive change in the movement!



S/O to "OUR" representation at Milwaukee City Hall (Colin Kaepernick to be featured in city’s 28 Days of Black History)


This morning Alderman Ashanti Hamilton, Alderwoman Milele A. Coggs, Alderman Russell W. Stamper, II, Alderwoman Chantia Lewis, Alderman Khalif J. Rainey, Alderman Cavalier Johnson and Alderwoman Nikiya Dodd of Milwaukee, released a statement standing behind Colin Kaepernick to be featured in city’s 28 Days of Black History!

The statement follows:

It is unfortunate that certain state legislators in Madison have worked in opposition to theirAfrican American colleagues to block Wisconsin native Colin Kaepernick from being included in a state Black History Month resolution. But here in Milwaukee we welcome the addition of Mr. Kaepernick to our city’s 28 Days of Black History project and look forward to his profile being featured on our city’s main page and on the City Channel. As we note in the project – an effort to celebrate Black History Month by featuring those who have left their mark on Milwaukee’s Black history – Black history is still being written and is ever developing.

We understand that Mr. Kaepernick is a controversial figure, but black history makers tend to be controversial by nature. Few, if any, were accepted by the broader society when they were doing their work, but in hindsight, our nation recognizes that their counter-cultural actions were crucial to the growth of our country. Mr. Kaepernick was born in Milwaukee and his willingness to stand up for what he believes and against the violent and oppressive (and sometimes deadly) treatment of Black and Brown citizens by law enforcement has brought attention to some of the most important issues of our time. Quite simply, by doing so he has made history.

Additionally, he has donated generously to help many worthwhile causes across the U.S., including two Milwaukee groups, the I Will Not Die Young Campaign and UrbanUnderground.

Unlike some in Madison we are truly honored to feature Colin Kaepernick as part of ourBlack History celebration.


Look lets make this clear we are SOCIAL, not POLITICAL. But if there is ever a time to remember the historical implications of our political representation not standing up with “our” people, it is now.

Collin is controversial in the same way MLK, Gandhi, Rosa, Baldwin and so many others have been. History is then. History is now. History is tomorrow.



Carrie’s Curl Conversation: Natural Hair in Milwaukee

Have you read Issue 13 Rebellion?

Feature article Carrie’s Curl Conversation came from a sit down with women talking about natural hair.

Check it out and let us know what you think.

Hair is the subject of an ongoing conversation in the black community. Whether you wear it straight, in a low cut, throw a wig on it or put a relaxer in it, hair is something black women love and can talk about all day long. But something that gets less attention is the hair that black women are born with—their natural hair. Natural hair has been a hush-hush topic since, well, forever. But now, more women are going natural and more women are talking about it.

Black Women and hairstylists discuss the controversial topic of natural hair. Although the natural hair movement is progressing, in Milwaukee and other non-metropolitan cities, the knowledge of natural hair is still scarce. Carrie Mahone, a University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee journalist, has the much-needed curl conversation to find out why.

/Carrie (the Intern)

Issue 13: Rebellion Out Now!

If we are defiant, it is only out of suppression. Tiptoeing through society has left us off balance, anxious, and unable to continue to survive playing it safe. This issue of CopyWrite is a Rebellion in its process. Our features are unorthodox characters with rule breaking methods. Interviews with Dream Lab owner Shawn Dekay, Leevel Ford, Mudy, Kane Rulan, Ex Fabula Feature Camille Davis & more.

-Click Here to witness the Rebellion-


#CWMerchMonday - @nofingerprints_lp

Today’s #CWMerchMonday is from @nofingerprints_lp

Item: Camouflaged Quirk Hoodie

Our Mission: 

“To Provide Today’s Generation with Premier Design and Fashion

Reminding them that you do not have to leave behind “negative” Fingerprints to determine who you are as a person. 

It takes Strength, Determination, Hardwork and Passion to be successful.”

*Nofingerprints LP also has a ton of events and community activities that they host periodically. Ex: Lupus Awareness, Breast Cancer Awareness, Thanksgiving Full Dinner Drop offs(Blessings in a Bag), Back 2 School Event (supplies, free food, face painting, free haircuts,  MFD, etc.).

Follow them on instagram (@nofingerprints_lp) and check out more at www.nofingerprintsnfp.com


#TheArtOfStorytelling - Ex Fabula x CopyWrite Magazine


A word from our partners:

Ex Fabula is thrilled to partner with CopyWrite Magazine. This partnership will combine different forms of expression and produce a space for community members’ true, personal stories in written and visual form. By connecting the stage to the page, both Ex Fabula and CopyWrite will reach new audiences, connect with new storytellers, and build community.

- Megan McGee, Executive Director of Ex Fabula

As we continue to support the local we will now be vocal in our partnerships to further connections in our community and to bring light to the real bonds that have elevated the Urban creative scene in MKE. This is the Art of Storytelling!