Black? Doing Biz/ Creative Practice/ Service/ Hustle? Let /CW plug you with an AD!

#WeSeeYou & we want the world to see you. So we are putting our money where our mouth is and reducing our traditional AD rates to any one who identifies as “Black” for Black History Month [Feb 2023]. For the low low Plug price of $15.00, you can purchase AD on blog, feature page [for 1 month], or /CW newsletter [up to 5 Ads per purchase].

& Yes, you can use the space when ever you want! In two days, in a week, in a month, in a year, in five years. When ever YOU need it, it will be there!

Think its too good to be true? No sweat, we got AD specs for that!

[You love the deal & want to snatch up this offer while the promo last? Hit us up at

[Promo pricing ends Febuary 28th, 2023]

Message: You are LOVED! | Happy V-Day from your /CW Fam

Add us to your group chat, we got all the love you need!

But really tho, on a day when it’s all about they “display” of love just know that we see y’all and we love the creative community we call our family. We appreciate the love you show us daily and hope you feel it right back. /CW

Snap Shot Press Release | Too Cold to Tour [So Emmitt James is back in MKE]

I had to sit on this one.

Not only was the timing, TIME-ING. But the thought of Emmitt James returning to Milwaukee's humble economy [compared to LA] was just a trigger of nostalgia I was not ready to type out. [I miss those days, but not enough to go back. I was broke. Y’all was broke. But we were hungry. Hence, the "Hunger Pains" tour stop we "sponsored" with Emmitt headlining the marquee. YUP, I REMEMBER.]

It's the "home" base of talent that is underrated. A safe place for ideas not ready to be tainted. A reality of creative force undermined by a faulty infrastructure [that's only partially in existence]. A place of salvation [for this creative at least] to avoid the corporate hole. Milwaukee is home.

"Your job is to be Emmitt James", he quoted his lovely girlfriend Jamai and partner, on stage that night at the Var Gallery. A reminder that his talent and work ethic as a Hip Hop-Jazz/DIY Renaissance Man is absolutely not something to give up on. It was a "word". Not just because the support underlined her own commitment to their survival but because it was a sign of hope for all of us who take our creativity as seriously as any other type of labor. We are soul entrepreneurs eating off our passions. [Still very hungry].

The Too Cold to Tour, set was an intimate packed house that postured how Emmitt James presence in the Mil is a celebrated welcome back as if he never left. With the network strong, the family in the building, and his hand very much on the culture that cultivated him, he showed up and showed out.

With songs like, "WR-4R" (Will Rap 4 Rent), "Jagger James", and "Covenant", he entertained us. He shared his anecdotal rhetoric [yall gotta pay attention to those gems]. He made us laugh and say "emmm hmmm" with branded quips like, "Vagetarian" [I mean eating can save lives lol]. He reminded us what the hell a good live set should feel like and how important it is to shamelessly plug that you have merch for sale in the back [Cassettes, shirts, and 1 more velvet thong left *shrug*]. 

We always say it but if you weren't there you really missed a moment. But no sweat because Emmitt is a pro. He live recorded that MF! So you, You, YOU, and Yooooooou too can hear all the magic by ordering a Digital DL or CD for the low low plug price of $5.00. [You know I got mineeeeee]. 

Here is the link:

Now run it up for our /CW Fam, Emmitt James, who is officially back. The rent is due on the 1st and he is rapping to make sure it's paid on time.


/Lexi S. Brunson, [Editor-in-Chief /CW]

Wisconsin Conservation Voters is Hiring | Regional Organizers

Apply to be full-time community organizer with Wisconsin Conservation Voters. Engage voters to ensure everyone has access to clean water, clean air, and the ballot box. You will build deep relationships and sustainable programs in local communities to win protections for our water and establish clean energy solutions. This role includes working in public policy and elections. A range of experience is welcome.

If you share our commitment to centering the voices and experiences of those most impacted by climate change, apply by February 26. Wisconsin Conservation Voters offers great benefits, a competitive salary, and a supportive and flexible work environment. Location within Wisconsin is flexible.

Find the full job description and application details at

Dangerously Doing Too Much | A 2022 End Of Year Reflection from Editor-in-Chief, Lexi S. Brunson

So here we are. 

I waited until the last minute to write this [not by choice] but the “happenstance” of life made sure I lived out at least 363 days of the year before I came to any conclusions. Sure, I am writing it now but I have been thinking about it since October, because at that point of the year I was through! I mean DONE! Feed up! Over it! I had already come to terms and accepted that THIS was what it was.

Is that vague?

Oh stop fussing. We will get there. [ Just admit it. Your nosey Lol. You will get random pics & videos of my year to look at while you read so your attention span will not fizzle cus I wrote a novel LMAO]

2022, had to be lived.

It had to be lived with contemplation, irritation, affliction, and scrutiny. Now this is not to say there were not any moments of rest, delight, comfort, and applause. Those moments are the blessings that carried me on to the next day. They pushed me into fight mode instead of flight mode. . . They kept me grounded. But see, joy for me is a byproduct of responsibility. I carry my load and thus I carry the highs and the lows that come with it. My burden is MY burden. But somehow I have been lifting weight that is beyond my load without making any gains.

& that’s where we find my mutha-flippin problem.

On December 10th, 2022 at a “work” related event mid-conversation I blacked out, fainted, hit my left eyelid on a wooden ledge, collapsed to the floor, and had what appeared to be a mild seizure [Yes, I said mild like that makes any difference smh]. When I came to, I was calm and very much alert while most of the people around me were frantic because of the blood gushing out of my face. It was a freakin’ spectacle.

A spectacle that as shocking as it may have appeared to most, I knew exactly what had been the cause. I had dangerously been DOING TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH. 

Again, the burden of that is mine but it is one that I am not insane enough to keep carrying.

Everybody repeat after me: “I’m choosing me. This time, next time, and EVERY TIME until the last time.”

[& trust, I will not be bothered if you do the same.]

This year I was called passive aggressive by a very close friend [Are we still friends?]. Passive Aggressive as in, “a pattern of indirectly expressing negative feelings instead of openly addressing them”. The “trope” was followed by listing all the emotions I had confided in her [just weeks before] that I had been experiencing with my mental & physical exhaustion, including: stressed, overwhelmed, frustrated, and anxious. To then posture with a verbatim, “. . . idk but your attitude has been a bit shitty as of late. You should unpack that.”

So here I am calling out for help, while providing help [I won't put nobody's personal business on blast with the details] to then be told, “unpack that”. Yikes! 

Had I not said to the world and all the people contributing to my stressful load [my family, my partner, my colleagues, my friends, my staff, my self], “I no longer have the capacity to do that”, or “I don’t have the time & resources to do this”, and ofcourse the hated, “Please, do this thing you agreed to do how you agreed to do it, so that I may also do my part without having to do yours”??? 

I did. Many times.

Not from some extrinsic hierarchical pedestal that upholds systems of inequity and disenfranchisement. Not to stroke my ego because I hold some capitalistic moniker that says I’m in charge. Not to cause harm that can not be repaired through time, practice, and self accountability but with a stance of human respect and experience in spaces many of them have yet ventured and I was never guided through.

Unfortunately, whatever I was communicating [no matter how clear and logical it had been to me] was not working. 

Where this year's word was intentionality, it was served with a push to rationalize this urge to be useful [the thing I have always considered my purpose of being]. As I ridiculously recited, “You can not pour from an empty cup”, I was pouring out way too much champagne to those who just really needed water, and didn’t necessarily need it from me. [I was not eating right, my insomnia was at an all time high, my energy was depleted, I was not drinking enough water. Ya girl was moving blind off faith!]

As transparent as I have been learning to become, most people don’t want to hear my truth. The truth is that as much success as I am experiencing, as much joy doing things outside the box has brought me, as much love from within and from others I get to bask in, there are some core situations that are messing with my peace, livelihood, and stability. 

Like. . .

  • Being denied a home loan because your socioeconomic upbringing & ethnicity, when you have 2.5 streams of income, a 720 credit score, with all your finances in good standing [Tuh, this is America]

  • Being debilitatingly sick 8 times in one year and then developing chronic fatigue [It’s extra nasty out there. Wash your hands & take your vitamin C. I have a 3 year old so all germs on me Lol]

  • Someone attempting to rob you in your place of business and then coming into your office building to find a strange man sleeping outside your door [This is the trauma caused by people just trying to survive. This is not a them problem. This is not a me problem. This is a WE problem. WE are failing our people]

These are just a few examples of where my year could have collapsed under me but instead I just pushed on. Saying yes, showing up, doing my best, and giving my all.

  • But when I needed a break, I did not pause.

  • But when I needed to say “hell no”, I tried to compromise.

  • But when I needed to be given grace, I did not demand it.

I knew better & I didn’t do better because I felt useful. 

And that failure is my own. 

I say all of this to get to a place of yearly reflection that is not just a list of triumphs [because I could do that. I did some dope sh*t that I’m really quite proud of *does one of those corny “I’m feeling myself” dances*] but to really vocalize that something has to shake B! Things absolutely must change.

It literally took me getting bust upside my head to sit my a** down. [Okay, energies that be! Yall not about to play with me. NOTED!]

So in 2023 & for as long as they apply the following are up for debate, dismissal, and eviction:

  • Leadership: I never wanted to be a leader but I have been called on to that journey. It is an obligation I don’t take lightly and I know why this has been asked of me and not another for this season of life. I note that there are traditions of leadership that I embody but there are even more that I do not subscribe to. This is because there are some systems that are traits of colonization, patriarchy, and inhumanity. I will not speak the language of my oppressor to my people. I will not continue to repeat methods that have failed those that needed it most. I will not ask of you what I am not willing to do myself. I will lead where my experience gives me expertise and I will follow where I need knowledge and guidance. If you do not respect my approach as a leader, I do not take it personally. This mission is just not for you. 

  • Friends: I am a lifer. Not a situational deflection. You owe me nothing, and thus I owe you nothing. Not a phone call, not a check in, not a visit, not a like. What you offer me I will appreciate with or without acceptance. What I offer you, you may take or leave without judgment. When we cross paths I will honor the moments we share. When we are apart I will value the memories that involve you. You don’t have to solve my problems, be my moral compass or even agree with me. All that I ask is that you respect my agency over me. [It's a swinging door]

  • Love: Me first. I love MYSELF first. I will love me wholeheartedly so that I can love others the same. I can forgive & love deeply. I can experience & love without holding a grudge. I can have loved wrong and still learn to love right. I am growing love and I am living love. This year was full of reminders that love, even when it is not contained in a pretty bow, can keep your soul alive. [To the love of my life & soul tie, Thanks for pouring into me the love I needed to get me through Papi].

  • Business: CopyWrite is going to be different. Progress is uncomfortable and those growing pains come with growing expectations. We can’t come to every event. We have children to raise. We can’t review every song. We got bills to pay. We can’t interview every wave maker, there are others who need a voice. Communal greatness is not complacent #SupportTheLocal. CopyWrite filled a void. CopyWrite changed the narrative. CopyWrite archived history. CopyWrite has plans. You coming or nah?

  • Extra: I’m not afraid to be wrong but I am damn sure not afraid to be right. I am afraid to give up before I am out of time. Let’s see what happens. “If they said I did it. I DID IT.”

So 2023, let’s ride it until the wheels fall off!

Love & All Things Urban,

Lexi S. “I’m resting” Brunson 

Editor-in-Chief of CopyWrite Magazine

A Milwaukee For All | Greater Milwaukee Foundation Strategic Vision for 2020-2025

The Greater Milwaukee Foundation serves the whole community. As a partner of choice for generous donors, as a champion for our nonprofit sector, as a convener of diverse voices and ideas – we have been woven into the fabric of this region for 105 years. But our legacy together is just the beginning. We are committed to expanding our table, deepening our impact and innovating for a brighter future where everyone thrives. A new tomorrow starts today.

After a year that brought both a global pandemic and an uprising for racial justice, the question we face is not how we rebuild Milwaukee—but how we build a better Milwaukee.

The Greater Milwaukee Foundation envisions a community of thriving neighborhoods that welcomes, includes, and develops the potential of all people. A region that serves as a beacon for the nation. A Milwaukee for all.

But there’s a fault line running through every system we live with today: racism. It’s more than just the disparities and segregation we all know too well. Its many legacies and effects represent the greatest threat to our future as a region.

No one can take on a challenge like this alone: no individual, no institution, no neighborhood. It will take all of us — and the Greater Milwaukee Foundation is how Milwaukee works together.

This is the driving purpose behind our new strategic plan for 2020-25: overcoming our racial divisions to build a Milwaukee for all. It arises from years of listening and learning with our community — and now we’re calling on our entire community to join us in this generational undertaking.

Following our North Star to build a Milwaukee for all The Greater Milwaukee Foundation is committed to building a Milwaukee for all. This work is guided by our North Star of racial equity and inclusion.

*info provided by INPOWER

Krypto - “Meditation” MUSIC VIDEO

As Krypto Kracc prepares for the release of his EP “Black Superman,” he releases yet another single and music video for “Meditation,” continuing the narrative of what a true hustler is made of. Started off by his previous releases “Hood Business” and “Dead Drop,” “Meditation” describes the importance of a Gangsta turned Businessman having the strength to turn the negatives of his life into a positive and the foresight to know that the struggle will not last forever. Krypto touches on moments where one may need meditation the most like dealing with envy from those closest to them to just needing to quiet their mind in order to perfect the next move. The visual shows him in two parallel settings- One is more glamorous, surrounded by bottle girls, money, and fellow businessmen. Then it cuts to a few shots of him on the block, reminding his audience not only of where he came from but the reason for his grind- to inspire and give back to his roots. Despite being granted opportunity after opportunity and getting closer to his goal of rolling with the big dogs, Krypto doesn't deny that he owes his stamina and business sense to his street smarts and is well on his way to being the hero that he aims to be. 

Tell me how YOU feel about “  Meditation ” Milwaukee. /Naomi-Re’a for CW

Black & Diverse Business Showcase | December 7th 2022

*info provided by the Wisconsin Black Chamber of Commerce, Inc.

Your business is your business!


You must network, research, and resource. TWBCC will be providing just that. An atmosphere for new or growing business through the Lenz of the government eye!

The BLACK AND DIVERSE BUSINESS SHOWCASE will bring together new and growing business eager to grow to the next level and SHOWCASE their many products and services. The showcase will also provide the opportunity for new and growing minority, woman, veteran and LGBTQ+ owned businesses to learn how to prepare their businesses for the Government markets.

Register to attend as a vendor, exhibitor, sponsor or an attendee of this very special business showcase.


[Subject to change without notice]

Welcome-LIVE on FB & Instagram

7:30am: Doors Open

7:45-8:15am: (Entertainment)

8:00-9:00am Breakfast: Bounce Back “Start Up Breakfast” (Guest Speaker)

9:00-10:00am Workshops

  • Civil Rights Law in Contracting  

  • Section 3 Monitoring - Opportunity & HUB Zones

  • Business Startup Workshop - WWBIC

9:00 - 12:00pm Virtual “The Contracting Academy (TCA)”

10:15-11:15am Workshops

  • How do CDFI’s Work?

  • Contract Monitoring

  • Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Monitoring

11:15-11:45am: Open Networking (Entertainment)

11:30am-12:45pm Luncheon: "Technical Assistance Luncheon"

Kansas City ASTEAM Village vs Milwaukee IT-Milky Way Tech Hub

1:00-2:00pm Workshops

  • City, County, & Corporate Certifications

  • Business Credit

  • Personal Credit

2:15-3:15pm Workshops

  • State and Federal Certifications

  • Business Credit

  • Personal Credit

 3:15-4:45pm: Networking & Vendor Market

4:45-5:15pm: (Entertainment)

5:00-6:00pm Banquette: Capacity Building Banquette-National Black Chamber President 

 6:00-7:00pm: Pitch Contest Finale

7:00pm: (Entertainment)

8:30pm: Closing Remarks: Ruben Hopkins

Networking Areas

-Hallway/Break Room 

-Ballroom/Business Networking

copywrite magazine, media & Design is not responsible for the content of this post.